Chapter 15

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AN/// I wanted to update today, so I hope you enjoy. ///

Washington POV

It was the day of Halloween at school, and I was waiting to see Gilbert. I was planning a date for us after school today, yet I was going to wait to tell him after class. 

The first bell had rung, and I still had a couple classes to sit through until I would be able to see my lovely boy. I had planned on just watching a Halloween movie for each class period, so I had all class to think about him. 

Over these past few weeks, I had gotten him to come out of his shell, and he's much more outgoing around me and his friends. I think he has already told Alexander, and Laurens.

 I know Hercules had a thing going for him, but he is mine now bitch. I was brought out of these thoughts when the bell rang. It was nearly time for his class to walk in. 

Smirking, I turned to the door to see something only imagined in my dreams. There stood my beautiful baby boy, in a sexy cat outfit. He also wore a tail that moved every time he walked, and a huge smile placed on his face.

 While admiring him, I hadn't noticed him getting closer to me until he whispered in my ear, "Like what you see Washingdaddy?" (SORRY I HAD TO)

I stood shocked in my spot, as he smirked at my expression and made his way to his seat. This should be fun.

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