Chapter 2

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Washington POV

As I walked down the school halls, I sighed. I was glad to be back to teaching. Ever since Martha died, I've been looking for some source of happiness. My thoughts were cut off when I saw papers fly to the ground. Looking towards the sight, my eyes landed on the most beautiful boy I have ever saw. My heart started pounding loudly when he heard a voice. "Just showing this kid whose boss around here," said a tall boy with very large hair. The smaller boy looked to the ground in fear.

 I made my way over to the group, students gazing at the scene as they passed by, not making eye contact with either of the two teens. I cleared my throat, causing the poofy haired boy, and the boy on the ground to look at me in slight fear. I recognized the bully's face as Jefferson, remembering him from last year's debate class. "Mr. Jefferson, please pick up this young man's things immediately," I scolded, trying to sound intimidating. Jefferson grumbled something as he shoved the papers into the boy's hands, storming away. Before the boy had a chance to meet my eyes, I hurried off, going towards my class.

As I made my way through the door, I saw the boy from earlier, yet he was quietly talking to what seemed to be his friends. Quickly, the entire class went quiet. "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Mr. Washington, and I will be your English teacher this year," I said, looking around, trying to focus my attention on all students equally, yet my gaze kept returning to the boy. He was blushing madly, as the darker skinned boy beside him whispered something to him, making me slightly angered. I ignored the feeling.

 "Today, we will be introducing ourselves. Please state your name, grade, and a thing about yourself. Please do not just state a simple thing such as your favorite color, and try to be creative with your response," I said, sitting on the edge on the wooden desk behind me. Some girls whispered to their friends, yet I paid them no attention. 

"Let's start at the front," I said pointing to a young girl. "Hello, my name is Maria, and I enjoy cheerleading, and track," she said pulling at her skirt slightly. I nodded, looking to the next person. This went on until it went to the boy who was whispering to the beautiful boy earlier. "Greetings and salutations, everyone. My name is Hercules Mulligan, and I love my friends," he said, kissing the blushing boy beside him. My stomach churned, nodding slightly. Then I heard a meek voice, not as confident as Hercules's. "Hello, my name is Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, but friends call me Gil or Laf. I enjoy band, and reading," he said in a cute French accent, quickly sitting down. I nodded, smiling to him. This may be a good year after all.

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