Chapter 10

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Washington POV

The next couple of days were rough. I've been trying to make Lafayette notice me, yet he never does. Every time I call on him in class, its short responses, and he never meets my eyes.

 At the end of class, I call him to my desk. "What do you want, Mr. Washington?" he asked, so quietly that I strained to hear his soft voice. 

"You've been lacking in my class, Lafayette, and I wanted to know if you were having any troubles. I know you are a smart young man, but every time you walk into my class, I see something is going through that head of yours. I'm concerned about you," I told him, clasping my hands together looking up at him. 

When he met my eyes, I felt a rush go through me. "I'm fine. But thank you for your concerns," he said, a little more confidentially. 

A smile made its way to my face. "Just... take care of yourself. OK?" I said, reluctantly. 

"Of course I will," he said, smiling. As he was walking out the door, I couldn't help but know how much I needed him. And nothing would stop it.

AN/// IM BAAACK! I will be updating a couple chapters in the next few days. Comment down some suggestions for the next few chapters. Byee..

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