Chapter 11

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Lafayette POV

Two days after the encounter with George, (he called him by his first name only in his thoughts, because he believed that they've gotten closer than before) he felt better than ever. 

Sure, the thoughts and fantasies never left his mind, but maybe he could change them into reality.

 After class, he made his way up to George's desk with a confident sway in his hips. He saw something flash through his beautiful teacher's eyes, as he watched his movements.

 "Hey there, Mister Washington, is it OK if I stay after today? I didn't understand the homework, and wondered if you could tutor me," I said, slightly biting my lip. 

I asked Alexander about how I could seduce George, and he said that biting his lip usually worked when he was with Laurens. Apparently, it did here to, because he saw Washington's eyes drift to his full lips, before looking into his eyes.

 "Um.. Of course Lafayette, anything to help out one of my favorite students," he told him with a smirk. A blush crept to my cheeks, as I looked down.

 "Thank you, Sir," I said quickly, turning towards the door, and strutting out.

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