Chapter 14

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Lafayette's POV

The next few weeks had gone by quickly. All of Lafayette's time was spent sneaking away to spend time with his teacher. It was the week of Halloween, and Lafayette was stuck in his room, wondering what he should dress up as. 

Now, most high school kids didn't bother dressing up for this occasion, yet since he hadn't spent much time in America, he wanted to witness the experience himself. "How hard is it to pick a costume, Laf?" Alexander asked, kicking his legs up while sitting on his bed. 

He wanted to help,yet all he did was eat the food in his fridge, and lay around. I groaned, throwing a pillow in his direction. "It's harder than you think, mon amie," I said.

 Just then, Hercules came through the door, a large plastic bag in his hand. "Yo, what time is it?" yelled Laurens, coming through the door, with yet another bag, in his hands. I looked to Alex confused, yet he looked the same way.

 "We knew you had some trouble finding a costume, so we decided on getting a few supplies and things to choose from," said Hercules, looking at my confused expression. "I swear, if there is a sexy nurse outfit in there, I will punch you," said Alexander, getting up to look in the bag. 

Hercules pulled out a black, tight shirt and pants, black eyeliner, and some cat ears and tossed them to me. "You're welcome," Laurens told me, smiling like an idiot.

 "Try it on," Alex said, wrapping his hand around Laurens' shoulder. I sighed, walking towards the bathroom. When I came out, they all looked to be in awe. "Damn girl, you sexy as fuck," said Laurens. I twirled around, smiling. "Meoww."

 Wait until George saw.

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