For Me?|Part 2

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"Aphmau why is it so dark in here?"I said
"Oh... It isn't... that...dark...huehuehuehue"she said
"SURPRISE!!!" People were hiding everywhere. There were a ton of my friends. I've missed them so much! And... AARON!
"Hey baby sis! Welcome to the neighbourhood. I hope that you like it here." Said Aaron.
I gave him a big hug.
"This is all for me?"I said
"Yeah!" Everyone said in a unison.
"Heyyyyy Y/N. How's my not alone buddy doing?"said a highly familiar voice.
"TRAVIS!" I said while giving him a hug. Everyone did this for me? I feel so amazed. I can't beleive that after all these years they still haven't forgotten me. After 15 years they still like me? A tear of joy peeked out from my eye.
"You guys didn't have to do this!"I said.
"Oh don't be so generous" a male voice spoke. I know that beautiful voice. Even tough I haven't seen him since High School but I still remember that voice.
"L-Laurance...?"I said
I squeezed him tightly. That was supposed to be a hug. After I let him go he inhaled some air.
"You've always been a hugger" he said in a tired tone.
"Sorry about that... I just haven't seen you in a while! How is everything?"I said
"Well someone in this room happens to have a new baby brother."Said Laurance
"Really? Who!?"
"Me, silly!"said Laurance
"Oh my Irene, really? I lo- I mean i like kids!"I said
"Well I don't expect you to love them after the... incident" in front of me appeared a handsome, blonde man. It was Garroth....

Lmao I'm in a hurry. Sorry I can't finish this. No one is reading this anyway😂 BAIII

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now