Maid Cafe|Part 3

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As I turned around I got a hug from my b- ehem, friend. I can't beleive this. What's this feeling inside me? Satisfaction of seeing the people that mean a lot to you after all these years?
"Garroth! It's so good to see you! AHHH I can't beleive how much I've missed all of you guys!"I said
"To be honest we have too." Said Garroth
"Really? I thought you forgot about me?"
"How could we forget the girl that introduced us to each other? If it weren't for you id be living a different life. We missed you."Said Laurance
"This is all too much for me. T-Thank you."I said

I greeted everyone. It's been soooo long. I have been thinking about them every single day. We had fun at the party until about... 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING?! Man its late. Everybody left the party until it was just me, Aaron, Kawaii~Chan, Garroth and Laurance. The others were too tired.

"Man, I invited Zane too but he hasn't shown up."said Aphmau
"Zane?"I said surprised.
"Well... Yeah... Don't worry! He's changed a lot since High School. He's been helping a lot with our business and everything, really."she said
"Oh... What business are we talking about?"I said
"The maid cafe. We haven't told you?"said Aaron.
"Not really."I said
"Aphmau~Senpai made a Maid Cafe. Kawaii~Chan was soo sad that she got fired from her job, that Aphmau~Senpai risked her job to make her own Maid Cafe! It's been a huuuge success." Said Kawaii~Chan.
"Wow. That's really nice of you Aph." I said
"Well can show you around tomorrow since its Sunday and the Cafe works until 12. That won't be a problem right Aph?" Said Aaron.
"That's a great idea! finally a day off."Said Laurance
"Sure! It would be a bad idea! Maybe Y/N would like to even work there with us."exclaimed Aphmau.
"Awesome! I mean... I am kind of broke. Heh..."I said
"Perfect! We'll come at around 3pm at your house. Is that ok?" Said Aphmau.
"Fine by me."I said
"Okay then! It's settled."Said Aaron.

Shortly after we all went home. I'm exhausted. This was so fun and caring of those guys. I'm so touched. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

Ok I srsly gtg because my grandma will end me if I don't come as soon as possible. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for part 4!!! Baiii.

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now