The Search|Part 18

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Since it was highly requested, here we go: Part 18 of Aaron's Sister

"How can we find one?" I said. At that time we let Garroth in. He sat down and played with the puppies on the floor.

"I heard that you can find one by howling?" Garroth suggested.

"Oh great Sherlock you did it again." Lucinda "Sarcasm is my only defense" said.

"What do you know! I did do it!" Garroth yelled from the other side of the living room. His hands shot up in the air while the sound of a facepalm emitted from beside me.

"Garroth, how do we howl?" I said raising my hands up in defeat.

"Oh." A few seconds later Garroth decided to speak. His face turning a dark shade of red.


Sometimes I even wonder how he passed college. Anyways! After moment and moments of thinking we finally heard yet again another doorbell ring. As I stood up Lucinda cringed.

"Who could this be? I surely hope it's not Laurance." Lucinda said

"Why not? He's my buddy! We're bros!" Garroth cried.

"Bros like that time when you guys performed Romeo & Juliet and you were so jealous of Aaron that you took the potion aND-" Lucinda kept talking non stop until a not so manly hand whipped on her mouth.

I went to the door to reveal my new friend standing in front of me. "May I come in, please?" Liam's voice erupted through the hallway.

A confused look surfaces on my face as I started talking. "Sure, come on in. Me and Lucinda were just talking about some-"

"I'M HERE TOO!" Garroth yelled. He raised his hands in surrender as Liam walked through the door.

As Liam walked past the hallway he went into the living room full of doggos. A surprised look surfaced on his face as looked at one of them. The puppy was in a cast or more specifically toilet paper since I'm not really the doctor type.

"She's hurt." Yeah no crap Sherlock. He looked at the puppy and put his hand on it closing his eyes as the puppy continued whimpering. Moments later the puppy looked better than ever as it started running through the house.

Lucinda gave Liam a suspicious look as Garroth's mouth shot open at the wonders of Liam's apparent healing powers. "How did you do that? Only a certain type of people can only heal dogs..." Lucinda said walking up to me and Liam as I watched the puppy never leaving it's sight.

Liam once nodded and revealed a tail and ears. Just what we were looking for. "A werewolf"

We heard a hard sound from the other side of the room. Garroth was on the floor fainted at the wonderful words that came out of Liam's mouth. Oh Garroth.

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now