New Contact|Part 11

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"Cadenza sweetheart what are you doing?"said Lucinda

"What do you mean? I'm just sitting here... and... Ooooohhhhh look there. He's cute isn't he? Oh my Irene he's coming this way! Act normal guys!"said Cadenza.

The breakup has not been going easy on her. Ever since they've broken up she's been trying her hardest to find a new boyfriend to make her ex jealous. Typical Cadenza.

"You do realise that were the most normal ones here right?" I said

"HUSH! HE'S COMING!"she said whispering. Pretty loud whisper if you ask me.

The guy came by. He's cute. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He wasn't tall but he wasn't short either. He was wearing a black T-Shirt, a blue jacket and dark blue pants.

Cadenza was doing a strange pose. With one hand she was holding her long orangey-red hair that was in a neat bun. With the other hand she was holding her hips on her green floral dress. She's very stylish.

He walked by and Cadenza looked nervous. The guy walked away and Cadenza had a sad expression on her face. She blew it.  Her only chance to talk to him.



"Yeah you. What's your name?" Dammit Cadenza I'm doing this for you.

"My names Liam."he said

"I'm Y/N and this is Cadenza and our friend Lucinda."I said

"Hey! Nice to meet you!" He said with a huge smile on his face. It was so cute.

"Wanna hang out with? I mean i know we just-"I said getting interrupted by a soft voice.

"Sure. That'd be awesome!"he said

What? How? I-i-i-i mean YES! That's defiantly what I meant to do. I did this for Cadenza.

"Come on. Let's go get some coffee" I said.

He followed us. We sat down in an empty table. I was sitting next to Lucinda and Liam. Heh... I'm sitting next to the two L's. Heh. Never mind. We talked for a while. He just finished college. He is 24 years old from ScalesWind. We exchanged our phone numbers so we can keep in contact. After it got dark we all went home. I was driving. Of course. I took Lucinda home so it was just me and Cadenza.

"You are amazing, you know?" said Cadenza

"It is well known."i said

We both laughed. We had a great time today. I don't usually spend time with my friends very often. I like when i'm with them.

"Thanks."she said

"For what?"i responded

"For calling him. I couldn't do it. I was scared."she said

"Of what?"

"Getting rejected."

I smiled.

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now