Pfft|Part 5

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I chuckled. I couldn't help it.

"OH H-HEY Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I MEAN...*cough* what are you doing here?"said Garroth

"Ahem. Thank you for damaging my ear drum-"I said then Garroth interrupted me

"I'M SORRY. I mean... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, and I wanted to visit this place. Can't I?"

" can but couldn't you have told us so we can at least expect that you're coming?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Bro chill. Take a break."Said Laurance.

"I'm sor-"

"It's okay. No need to apologize. It happens to all of us." I said

"I should go."said Garroth leaving to behind the counter.

"It's a hard day today. As you can see a billion fangirls came here and when they take their seats it's gonna be pretty hectic. There's a billion of them there!"said Laurance

"Hmph. We got 100 views on OUR video"exclaimed Dante

"And they got 100 thousand. Now what would you like?"said Laurance.

"I'll take a cheesecake. Y/N, what about you?"said Dante

"I'll take... Laurance what do you prefer?"I said

"Me? Hmm... Well I would order the eclairs.(I'm sorry if I wrote it wrong)They are really good."Laurance answered

"All right. I'll take an éclair."I said happily

Laurance left leaving only me and Dante. No one was on their seats except another person. He had dark black hair and red eyes. (I think)He seemed distracted by something. He kept looking at the counter, then at the tables, then he looked at the door and then he just took off and left through the door. Was he looking for someone? Who is he looking for?

"You don't need to know."Said Dante

"Excuse me?"I said

"You were looking at that guy. He's nothing but trouble. Don't worry about him"

"I wasn't that distracted."

"You've been looking at him for almost 10 minutes."


"I asked you about 10 questions. You didn't answer."


"The food came."

Okay... Good point. But I want to know about him. What has he done so people know him in a bad way? Who is that notorious person?

Yeyyeyeyye no cliff hanger. I'm sorry for not posting. I've been busy with school and I have a test thsi week so ye. Btw I started watching a new series. It's so awesome I LOVE IT. So have a nice day or week. BAII

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now