Spies|Part 22

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The girls arrived half an hour ago, all in their pyjamas. Now we were happily shoving the pizza slices down our throats. "This pizza is soo good." I said. "I mean I've never had pizza like this. This is making me love pizza even more." I continued. I heard sighs of annoyance from all over the room. "Y/N sweetheart we know you like this pizza, you've been saying it these past 10 minutes, but this is a sleepover. Let's talk about something interesting." Lucinda said with a smirk on her face.

"Like what?" I asked. Lucinda exchanged a look with the other girls, earning nods from them. What's going on? Have I missed a cult meeting or something? "What do you think of the guys?" Lucinda asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, eating the pizza slice a bit slower than before. Obviously I know what she's talking about. She's asking me if my high school crush is back.

After my question all the girls rolled their eyes. "You know what we mean dummy." Cadenza chuckled.

I think I choked on my pizza slice. "They're cool." I said. I guess that wasn't the right answer because at that moment, Aphmau smacked me with a pillow.

"What was that for!?" I asked. Aphmau gave me a death glare. Lucinda tried calming her down. "Sweetie calm down." She said in a relaxing voice. Lucinda turned to me. "Which one do you like the most?" She asked me.

"Umm...." I didn't know what to say. Then I heard a noise outside. Of course I immediately went to it. The girls groaned and followed me. Once I saw what was happening, I groaned too. "Oh come on!" I yelled.

Cliff hanger oops. I'm back! Expect more chapters soon! Sorry for this quick chapter I just wanted to post something and announce that I'm back! Yepee! Anyways thanks for reading and have a great day- BAII💞

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now