Potion|Part 16

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It was finally morning. I woke up to see 9 puppies around me including Celestia and Gigi. Today is the day I can finally help these little puppers.

I got up and got ready. I quickly made breakfast for the puppies and made some toast on the go. As I put my jacket I also took a sip of some coffee that I made. I usually don't drink coffee but I knew I would need it for this day.

I went outside. It was still snowing as the fresh, cold air filled my lungs. I went to Lucinda's hut. She was brewing a potion.

"Y/N! Right on time. I'm just finishing making this potion. Take a seat."

I sat down on the couch, still eating my toast. Lucinda came back with an empty bottle.

"And now I just fill up this bottle..." she was focused on pouring the strange coloured liquid.

Suddenly the door opened to see an angry Katelyn come in.

"LUCINDA!" Said Katelyn

As she said that, Lucinda dropped the bottle and spilled the potion on to the floor.


"Aww no no no no no No No No No NOOOOOO." I yelled."KATELYN! Why?"

"Why what? I HAVE A PROBLEM." She said.

"You made me drop the potion! Do you know how long it took me to make this thing? Y/N needs it now!" Said Lucinda.

"I don't CAREE! I need you to make me a potion so Kawaii~Chan can stop making noises with Damien downstairs. I had to go through the window to come all the way here!" Said Katelyn.

I was completely frozen. I couldn't move and I was so shocked at the scene in front of me.

"What am I going to do? I don't know what to do with a billion puppies! I need to talk to Celestia." I said.


"Look, Katelyn, honey, I could care less about your problem. Y/N can I help you find a way to talk to Celestia? I can make another potion." Asked Lucinda

"We don't have much time. Something could be terribly wrong and I haven't seen Aaron and Aphmau all day. I tried calling them but no luck. Help would be appreciated very much." I said as I put on my shoes to leave.

"Then I'm coming." Smiled Lucinda.

"What about me!?" Said Katelyn.

"I'm don't know, spray them with a hose or something." Said Lucinda leaving the house.

Next Mission:Find a way to talk to Celestia

Guys thank you so much for over 1 thousand views! This is incredible and I never thought that I could ever make this happen. Thank you so much for reading this chapter and the next one will have a surprise for yall because I think you'd love it. Have an amazing day! Baii💕

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