Werewolves|Part 19

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A few minutes- who am I kidding? Almost 3 hours later Garroth woke up. After her collapsed on the ground we moved him on the couch. Well... Liam did. Me and Lucinda watched and laughed as he started drooling all over the sofa and carpet along with it.

As he woke up, Garroth screamed once more before he stopped as he fell from the couch and looked at our confused expressions. "Why are you looking at my like that?" Garroth said.

I rolled my eyes at his remark and started speaking. "While you were napping we discussed with Liam about our 'situation'."

Garroth also gave us a confused look and answer glanced over at the tail that was hanging from Liam's bottom. "GAHHHH!" He screamed once more but quickly stopped as his memory came back. "Right." He sighed. "What did I miss?"

"Y/N told me about your puppy problem and I'm here to help you!" He crouched next to the puppies examined them starting to speak again."Where is their Alpha?" He stood up after a while and looked at us with furrowed eyebrows.

A slight confusion surfaced through my mind. I raised one hand from my already crossed arms. "I didn't know puppies had Alphas. I mean i assumed they had packs but Alphas?"

Liam nodded once still looking at the puppy while talking. "They do have Alphas but the Alpha must be valid in order to lead them although that's not exactly what I'm talking about." He pauses for a moment the pressure taking over me. I wait for him to continue, thinking of the worst. Finally he continues after what seemed like ages. "These are werewolf puppies. I haven't seen anything like this ever before. They're probably  just kids in their human form. Where did you find them?"

I am officially uncomfortable. I gave them dog food. Dog. Food. Me and Lucinda exchange a look of realisation. Oh cra-

I turned my head back facing Liam. He raised an eyebrow, his ears and tail swiftly moving as they seemed to be the only thing in the room. "I found them outside behind a bush. They were hurt so I wanted to help. I didn't know they were werewolves so-"

"You fed them dog food. Yeah the scent is pretty hard to miss." Liam chuckled as I felt my cheeks become warmer until they transitioned into a darker red.

Garroth's P.O.V

He thinks he's so funny that guy. He thinks he's so great huh? He's making her feel embarrassed. That's too far. I need to do something, anything! I decide to go for it. I walk towards the dog food and snatch it from the ground where it was placed. "Dog food is for everyone and everything!" I take out a biscuit from the bag and pop it into my mouth. That was probably the worst decision I ever made.

Soon after that I'm choking on the ground. I see her face. She's worried. "Why did you do that!?" She said. She takes a glass of water and kneels beside me giving me the water.

I think I can use this moment. I fake it. I close my eyes and relax my body faking that I fainted. I can hear her cries of worry. This is working so good. HUEHUEHUE.

Well r.i.p Garroth amirite. I decided to spice things up a bit. I also haven't posted in a while BECAUSE I'M IN VIENNA  HOLY CRUD. Anyways I'm planning on giving you guys more Reader X Boys moments  you don't get a lot of that amirite. Anyways see you in the next chapter. Baiii.

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now