Werewolf|Part 17

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Me and Lucinda came over to my place. When we walked in we came to see a few puppies surrounding us.

"Aww Y/N I don't get why you would ever want to get rid of them. Look! He's biting the pillow! That's adorable." Said Lucinda

"I'm not getting rid of them I'm just trying to find them a home. And you know I can't take care of this many puppies." I said

"Fine. So what your plan now? You are just gonna bark at them?"


"Sure. What are you gonna do?"

"Well I'm planning on searching something up. A way to talk to them or something."

"Can someone else do it? Like a dog whisperer or something."

"Lucinda their job is to make the dogs calm if they have a problem."

"But they do. They don't have a home."

"That's not what I mea- Hey...That's a pretty good idea!"

"A dog whiperer?"

"No not that. Someone else could talk to them. Like Kawaii~Chan. She talks to cats right? What if someone could talk to dogs?"

"Like a werewolf?"


We stormed out the door. And then we came back...

"I don't know where we are going but I'm not leaving until these puppies are happy. I should give them some food." I said

"And I will call Cadenza and make sure she gets to play with them." Said Lucinda

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"It's mall day. She is probably gonna go shopping. Besides. She's spending time with her family."

"RIGHT. Who should we call beca-" right as she said that the door rang.

Lucinda opened the door to see Garroth standing in the frame of the door. He looked nervous as hell but he just went with it.

"Hey Garroth. What's up?"

Garroth held his hands behind his back and whimpered.

"Oh...Lucinda. I-I-" he stopped as he cleared his throat. "I didn't expect for you to be here. Is Y/N home?" He said

Lucinda looked at Garroth and then quickly glanced behind her. "Actually, yeah."

I looked at Lucinda and saw her glancing at me so I came to the door to see a blonde man standing there.

Lucinda gave me a look. I understand what she was trying to say.

"I wanted to invite you guys to our house! I know with Celestia gone-" he got interrupted by Lucinda.

"She's right here." Lucinda said looking back at her with a smile.

"Wh-You found her?"

"Yeah but I have no idea where the hell Aphmau and Aaron are so can you keep this as a bit of a secret? We need to find out something but since I can't talk to Celestia and-" I got interrupted... DAMMIT LUCINDA

"I don't think he understands. Come on in Garroth and we'll explain everything."

So that's how we spent a lifetime explaining to Garroth what happened while we were giving the puppies some food.

"You need a werewolf? That's ridiculous. Why don't you just call Logan?"

"Because he's probably with Donna somewhere." Said Lucinda.

"I see. Well I might know where you can find one actually..."

IT'S BEEN A WHILE I'M SOS SORRY BUT I SEE THAT YOU GUYS LOVE THIS SO I'M GONNA CONTINUE. So I kind of stopped watching Aph's vids that's why I haven't posted in a while so you should be seeing about a chapter a month I'M SORRY OKAY. But I AMMM working on a new story so be ready.

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now