Invite|Part 10

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A few days later there was a Secret Santa party at Garroth and Laurance's house. I'm defiantly attending.

"Oh hun you can't go." Said Cadenza in her perfect British accent.

"Why not?"I said

"Wh-YOURE ASKING WHY?" She said in a concerned tone.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Why shouldn't I go?" I said

"Because they'll hit on you" she said

I started laughing.

"I'm serious."she says

"Y-you are?"I said.

"As ever."

"Wait what do you mean they'll hit on me?"

"I'm mean they'll flirt." She said in a very weird American voice.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well despite the crush they've had on you for like... FOREVER, they've always been a bit shy so they probably wanted to make the party to make their chance. Do you know how uncomfortable will it be for you? Girl I'm just looking out for you."she said

"I'll be fine Cadenza. Don't you worry about it. And... CRUSH?"I said

"Yes, of course. Oh you didn't know?"


"Sorry darling. I guess my timing isn't perfect. Sorry dear. I should've told you sooner."

"You should've-i mean... its okay. It's fine."

"Good girl."

Man I wish I could just snap at her but she is my best friend after all. No one can beat her. She's always so nice to everyone even if she did something wrong you can't stay mad at her.

"You know I'm still going right?"I said to her

"*sigh*Yes darling I know."she said

"Oh and you are coming too."


"Yes, you! The invite said "Bring some friends so I'm bringing you with me."

"But what am I going to do there?"

"Have fun. And follow me around... if what you said was true then I'm not going alone."

"Hmm...Alright...BUT! You have to do something for me. The party is in a few days so you'll have enough time."

"Okay. What is it?"

"You'll see dear."

Cliffhanger as always. I'm in a hurry so i gtg baiii

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now