Dog Mom|Part 20

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Y/N's P.O.V

How could this happen? How does one simply almost lose their life just by eating dog food. Dog. Food. At this point I'm basically panicking. Noticing my expression Liam comes forward towards Garroth's body on the floor. "Help me move him to the sofa." He says.

I nod and move forward to their bodies as Lucinda looks at us from across the room. I examine her expression but she doesn't notice. A few seconds pass before the silence is interrupted by his voice. "Are you okay?" He narrows his eyes between me and Lucinda.

I look at him then back at Garroth. "Nevermind, let's just get him on the sofa." I say struggling with Liam to put Garroth on the sofa. When I turn back to Lucinda she isn't there. "Do something!" I panic looking at Liam.

"Oh-umm... Okay- yeah- sure!" He says raising his arms in defeat. He puts his hands on his lips and thinks. He finally clacks his fingers. "CPR?" He looks at me. I nod in agreement as he leans down at Garroth's side, blowing into his mouth. Immediately after that, Garroth's eyes grow wide and he sits up screaming in fury. "GAHH! WHY- WHAT?" He looks around the room to see Liam hovering over him. He then runs out of the house without saying another word.

My face grew more confused. I then turned to look at Liam, and saw Lucinda."So much for that." I said annoyed. "That guy just males me want to scream in frustration." I raised my arms in defeat and walked past them to sit on the couch.

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"I called Laurance. He said that Garroth came home and just went to his room and didn't say a word. What is wrong with that guy?" Lucinda said. I raised my shoulders not knowing the answer to that question.

"I mean at least he's not dead?" I said not knowing what else to say. Lucinda sighed. "I guess so."

"You know what? Let's just ignore today's episode of 'Keeping Up With Garroth' and it's dramatic moments, and let's just focus on the werewolves that are currently in my house." I said, hearing Lucinda sigh, again.

A few seconds of silence passed, and I heard a voice. A one far too familiar. "WHERE'S THE CHILD?!" Aphmau screamed, storming in the house with Liam quickly running behind her. "I tried to stop her! But she threw a ball... I was distracted!" He explained. I nodded and chuckled. "It's okay, Liam, this is Aph-" I started and got interrupted by Aphmau, again. "TELL ME WHERE THE CHILD IS!" Aphmau said, and like on cue, Aaron stormed in breathless. "Aaron, hi?" I said.

Knowing what would happen if I kept talking much longer, Lucinda came in with Celestia. "Here." She said, giving her to Aphmau. Aphmau's expression turned into joy as she snatched Celestia from Lucinda. "My baby!" She said happily, twirling Celestia around. "Aph, sweetie stop. The dog is gonna get a concussion." Aaron implied, earning an angry gaze from the dog mom. "Or maybe not." Aaron said in a slightly frightened tone.

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