Dog|Part 15

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Behind the bushes where Celestia ran to was a path. I followed it to see pack of dogs. They were all shivering in the cold snow.

"Wh-What happened?"I said

I didn't expect an answer from a dog anyways, but she started barking. I don't know how to talk to dogs but Lucinda might make a potion.

"Okay Celestia. I have no idea if you understand me...BUT! I want to know what happened and I want to find a way to help you guys so I'll go to Lucinda's and ask her to make a potion. Meanwhile bring me a big basket please and I mean PLEASE. I'll be back okay?" I said and went off to Lucinda's.

I was running faster with the cold air hitting me in the face. I finally arrived to her little shop/house... whatever. I went inside to see Lucinda making something in her brew.

"Lucinda I need your help, fast!"

"Whoa there calm down. Sit. I can tell that your cold. I'll bring you some nice hot chocolate. My recipe."

"Even tho that sounds really nice I don't have time. Do you have any potions to make me talk to animals? Preferably dogs."

"Umm I don't think I have one laying around. I'll check. Why do you need one anyway?"

"No time!"

"Explain while I'm looking for it at least."

"Fineee! I found Celestia with a big pack of dogs. They looked freezing, hungry and stuff so I wanted to talk to Celestia to see what happened and now I need a potion."

"Oh, hun. I don't have a potion...BUT! I can make one if it's that bad."

"How long will it take?"

"It'll take at least until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!? B-but I need this now!"

"I'm sorry.  Unless you have any other ideas."

"Okay, I'll wait until tomorrow."

"Good girl. Now I need to start making it so... Bye?"

"I gotta anyways. See you later!"

I went behind the bushes where I found the pack of dogs sitting there to find Celestia holing a huge basket.

"So you did understand me!" I said hugging Celestia.

I took the basket and slowly put the puppies in the basket. They didn't refuse because they knew that they were in good hands. I put most of the pack inside the basket but one was left. I couldn't leave it so I took it in my other hand. Gigi was following me the whole time.

We arrived at my house but my hands were full so I couldn't open the door.

"Okay, Gigi. Can you open the door for me please?"

She opened the door. I went inside and turned on the heater. I put the basket down so the puppies can go wherever they want. I took a big bowl and put in some doggy treats in it so the puppies can eat something. Then I took another bowl and put fresh water in it. The puppies felt comfort and went to eat the treats.

You're probably wondering how many puppies there were. The pack consists of 7 puppies and with Celestia, 8.

I can't wait until Lucinda makes the potion tomorrow. So I can learn what's going on.

Celestia was still hurt so I tried to do a thing I learned from Medical Lessons and heal her. She was howling in pain and then she stopped. I let her lay on a pillow so she can sleep.

This took me around half an hour and I have to do some business too so I'm gonna be late because of this. YOU'RE WELCOME. Thank you so much for reading and I now have over 800 reads! Thank you for that. Anyways I hope you have an amazing day and see you all in the next chapter. Baii!!!

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