Spies #2|Part 23

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Infront of me were Garroth, Travis and Laurance all on top of each other. "We're you spying on us!?" I yelled as they all exchanged looks.

"I-We-Uhm..." Garroth started but was soon interrupted by Laurance. "What he's trying to say is-" he stopped. Travis rolled his eyes. "Don't blame us! We were just admiring from afar." Travis said.


"Admire someone else. Not now! We have some business to attend to." Katelyn said, swatting her hand. "Shoo." She mumbled.

I kind of feel bad now. I could see sadness in the boys faces. They all looked down and so did I. I sighed before finally speaking. "Do you, maybe... want to join us?" I asked. I gained looks from everyone that was right outside my house. They boys started smiling creepily while Aphmau smacked me with yet another pillow. Luckily Kawaii~Chan backed me up. Sort of... "NO TOUCHIN DA CHILD!" She yelled.

When I looked back at the boys they were gone. I looked around but they weren't there. "I guess they didn't want to join us..." I said. The girl all let out a breath of relief as Katelyn pulled me back into the living room where we were seated before, only to see the guys eating our pizza. Aphmau, like in tradition smacked them with a pillow repeatedly until Lucinda stopped her, again.

Travis let out a few screams while Laurance and Garroth watched with wide eyes. I couldn't help but sigh. "LETS JUST DO SOMETHING FUN SHALL WE?" I yelled to get their attention. Aphmau immediately turned to me with sparkly eyes. "TRUTH OR DARE!" She yelled happily and clapped her hands.

Oh boy.

Just a little note to remind you guys that reading your comments has been so fun omg😂 you're all so funny and the love this book gets is just amazing. Thank you.

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