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"Where am i?" General Wang blurted out as he slowly opened his eyes to the unfamiliar view. He quickly risen from lying position to sitting position.

"Urgh-" he grunted and clenched his chest. He looked down as he realizes his chest being covered with herb paste. He lifted up his hand and sniffed it. He immediately recognized the herb as mixture for anesthetic and healing wound. He looked around.There was not much things inside that small room he's in . He slowly got up and searched for his clothes.

"Ah,you are awake"

 An unfamiliar voice was heard from the entrance. General Wang quickly turned around and put his arms in defensive mode. He stared at the owner of unfamiliar voice he heard. A slender body,shoulder length hair and possessed a pair of tender eyes. A man?

"Sorry if i startled you,i mean no harm." The man put down woods he collected on another piles of woods.

General Wang eased himself and went to offer his help but was politely rejected.

"You should lie down," said the guy as he examines the wound on General Wang's chest and leg.

"Who are you?Why am i here?' asked General Wang. 

"This is my house.I found you few days ago,lying on the ground and wounded.So i brought you here and treated your injuries.Are you feeling alright now?." He went and brought back clothes with him.

"Your clothes.I washed them," he said with a smile of his face.

General Wang gladly took the clothes and thanked him. His clothes were clean and nicely folded.

"I shall go now.Thank you for helping me.I will come back and repay you," General Wang changed his attire as he speaks and ready to leave.

"You should stay for few more days,until you are fully recover.You must be hungry right?I cooked chicken soup"

General Wang intended to politely refuse the invitation but his grumpy stomach stated otherwise. He could not recall when was the last time he had a proper meal. Perhaps the day when he received  order from the Emperor.

"Do you live alone?" asked General Wang as he follows the man to the table.

"Yes.My family died from plague years ago.I have been living alone since then" he answered while serving the food on the table. He scooped the soup into 2 bowls of different sizes. He placed the bigger bowl in front of General Wang and the smaller one in front of him.

"Please help yourself," he said with a smile on his face. General Wang nodded and enjoy his food. It was good,so good that he quietly finished off his food.

The man was busy picking some woods once he's done with his meal.He picked few small log of woods with him and headed outside.General Wang could not sit still and watched the guy did all the hard work by himself so he went and offer his hands. Again,he was politely rejected.

"You can help with small chores and let me handle hard work until you are fully heal." Said the man as he chopped the woods into smaller pieces.

"Are you not going to ask about me?" General Wang said as he walked around looking at the surrounding.There were nothing but trees. 

The man stopped chopping,he set the axe aside and asked "Are you not going to kill me if i ask?"

General Wang turned around. He could not help but to let out a small laugh.

"No.You saved my life.Let me introduce myself.I am General Wang," he politely introduced himself.

"Ah!No wonder you have fancy cloth," said the man and continued chopping the woods. General Wang stared at the guy and thinking if his introduction was not impressive enough.

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