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A day after being discharged,Wang Qing went back to work. His co-workers came swarming and bombarded him with questions that he had no definite answer.He been shot twice at the same spot and miraculously survived.That just does not make any sense to him nor anyone who heard his story.

His husband,Feng Jianyu literally begged him not to overwork himself as his wound is still not fully heal. Dayu already moved half of his belonging into Wang Qing's house and neatly arranged them accordingly. When Wang Qing got back home late afternoon after being discharged,his apartment completely transformed. He was told that Dayu reconstructed the interior in just 10 days.He was happy to come home into a warmer atmosphere but his stoic facial expression led to a misunderstanding. Wang Qing just had too much thoughts on what happened to him and he needs an explanation.

At work Wang Qing kept on receiving several texts,coming from his worried husband.

  ✉ Have you reached the station?

  ✉  Do you feel alright?

  ✉  Have you eaten?

  ✉  You are probably busy,reply me whenever you can.

Honestly Wang Qing felt bad that he just read those texts.He did not mean to ignore them but he was not sure on what to believe anymore.Information he got from Dayu about what happened was different than what he actually experienced.Did his husband lied to him or did he experienced another illusion.He knew it was not fair for Dayu as for he went through a lot before they got to be together.They just got married recently but problems kept on coming their way. 

Wang Qing finally made up his mind,he sent text to Irene telling her to come over his house after work. He realized it was no use for him to keep on making conclusion on his own.There wasn't much to do at the station,his chief refrained him from moving around too much so he was send home earlier.Wang Qing took his time driving home,he even stopped by the supermarket to buy daily necessities and groceries.

"Oh..You bought a lot" Dayu greeted him the moment he got back,wearing apron and holding ladle on his right hand.

Wang Qing nodded his head,walking into his apartment carrying few plastic bags on his hands and placed them on the kitchen countertops. Dayu followed closely behind.

"What are you cooking?" asked Wang Qing the moment his nose caught aromatic smell coming from the pot boiling on the stove.

Dayu beamed as he make his way into the kitchen and stir the boiling soup.

"Special soup" said Dayu,turning his head toward Wang Qing with a smile on his face."It should be done in a moment,why don't you take a rest for a while."

"I am fine,i rested for two weeks" Wang Qing let out a small chuckle before taking out goods from plastic bags and arranging them into the wall units.

The atmosphere somehow similar to when they used to live together a long time ago.If he learn the truth later on,can he still love like how he used to love?Wang Qing realized their relationship is lacking. Just how can he fix it?

Dayu hummed while slowly stirring the soup,with his left hand on his waist.Wang Qing slowly approached him once he's done with arranging those goods.He stretched out his hands,circling  them around his husband's waist as he brought his body closer. 

"Hmm" Dayu flinched as for he did not expect to receive a backhug from his husband.

Wang Qing lowered his head,placing his forehead on top of Dayu's head.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Dayu intended to turn around and have a proper look at Wang Qing but he was stopped from doing so. Wang Qing firmly held onto him as he tighten his arms.

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