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"Wang Qing,come out" 

Wang Qing walked out from the room he was sleeping,stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes as if he just got up from deep slumber.Actually he  already woke up before dawn but decided to stay inside the room,he waited until his name being called or when Dayu went to work.

"What time is this?" said Wang Qing while yawning.

"Almost 10" answered Dayu.

Wang Qing walked forward with his eyes half asleep and saw Dayu was sitting at the dining table,having breakfast on his own. He pulled a chair across Dayu and sat down. 

"You bought a lot" commented Wang Qing once he laid his eyes on various dishes on the table.

"Help yourself" said Dayu. 

Wang Qing realized Dayu had that cold vibe judging from the way he talked. Wang Qing took a glimpse before choosing his breakfast. He quietly ate his food and so did Dayu. It was no different than him eating alone at his apartment. Wang Qing cleared his throat,attempted to strike a conversation with the man before him.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Wang Qing mouth hanged as he stared at Dayu who had his eyes straight at him. 

"Lie about what?" Wang Qing awkwardly laugh as he tried to remain calm.

"I asked the security earlier,there was no report been made about your apartment." 

"Which one did you asked?The young one i think because i told the old one last night," said Wang Qing as he tried to hide his nervousness.

"Both" answered Dayu. He put down the chopstick he held earlier beside his bowl of congee. Wang Qing knew at that moment he had to tell the truth. Dayu was not someone who would fall for a lie like that. He was not a child to believe in everything being told. 

Wang Qing took a deep breath and said "I am sorry.I did not intend to take you for a fool but i had no other excuse to tell".

Dayu crossed his arms,his face showed that he was not satisfied with the answer given by Wang Qing as he asked "Why?" 

"I want to get close to you.I want to know you," answered Wang Qing. I was ready to see disgusted expression coming from Dayu but instead he was asked with another "Why?"

"Because.." he paused for a while and said " I want to protect you"

"I know as an officer it's your duty to protect the citizen but i am in no harm.I don't need to be protect," reasoned Dayu.

"No,you don't understand" Wang Qing sighed. He was torn in between telling the truth and created another lie.

"Make me understand then," urged Dayu. Food in front of them had turned cold but they were too immersed in their heated debate.

"But you have to promise not to freak out.What i am about to tell you might sound ridiculous" Wang Qing looked at Dayu hoping that he will agree. Dayu nodded his head.

"I vowed that i will protect you in this life,at any cost.I am committing myself to you.In another word,i am yours in this life.I know you might be questioning yourself right now but you have to trust me." Wang Qing let out a loud breath through his mouth,trying to figure out what thought Dayu might had upon hearing those words he said.

"Like my guardian?But why?" Dayu still wanted more clarification.

"No..Well,sort of.I owed my previous life to a guy name Jianyu. By the time i made that vow,i realized i loved him but fate was not in our side" explained Wang Qing. 

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