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Feng Jianyu and Irene continued with their dinner after Wang Qing left. Though they were clueless as to why Wang Qing dropped by earlier but they decided to put that aside. Dayu barely touched his food and Irene noticed that her boyfriend acted a little strange that night.

"Why aren't you eating?," asked Irene as she scooped braised chicken into Dayu's bowl.

"Hmm?Oh,sorry.I am eating now," Dayu slightly smiled as he picked up his chopstick and started eating.That was just for a while,before he looked into distance again.

"Feng Jianyu,you are losing focus again." Irene said in a soft tone of voice.Feng Jianyu once again caught off guard. He tried to smile but it turned out to be looking weird instead. He was not sure why his thought was full with Wang Qing lately.

"How about we discuss about the wedding another time?You look like you need some time alone," suggested Irene. Dayu slightly smiled as he nodded his head. He felt guilty toward Irene who came all the way there so they both can have some discussions. 

Dayu send Irene off all the way to the parking lot.They exchanged kisses on the cheeks before part ways. Dayu slowly walked his way into his apartment building. He climbed one flight after another.Every time he passed a glass window,he would stared straight into the across building,where Wang Qing lived.

Dayu sighed.Ever since he first encountered that man,Dayu started to experienced weird dreams.Dreaming of a man you just met,really Feng Jianyu!he scolded himself. Dayu took out his phone from his pocket and start typing something on the screen.

✉ Are you alright?

He pressed send right after he finished typing. He waited and waited but there was no reply. Dayu tried to divert his own attention by sketching some designs but that did not turned out well.

He said he wanted to tell me something,but what was it?

Dayu glanced at his phone on the table,next to his paperwork. No light flashing means there's no incoming text or call. Dayu grabbed a handful hair of his own with his both hands and clenched his teeth.Get a grip Feng Jianyu. Stop thinking about him.He said that to himself but his hand moved on it's own as he typed yet another text.

  ✉ What is it that you wanted to tell me?

He tightly shut his eyes as he pressed send.Came another torturing moment of waiting again.No!No!This is stupid!I should just go to sleep now. Dayu nodded his head while having a little conversation with his inner self. He banged his hands on the table and determined to go sleeping instead of waiting.He left his phone on the table as he walked into his bedroom. 

Just a few steps away,he heard a tone of incoming text.Dayu quickly turned around and ran toward his desk and grabbed his phone. He opened up the text and a slightly disappointed expression shown on his face.It was a good night text from Irene.

Perhaps i should just send one more text,and if he does not reply then i will just forget about what happen tonight.With that on his mind,Dayu typed another text to Wang Qing.

  ✉ Are you asleep?Good night. 

He did not leave the phone on the table like what he did before.He took the phone with him and placed it next to his pillow. Dayu been staring at his phone until he finally asleep.

The next morning when he woke up,the first thing he did was checking his phone.Again,no reply from Wang Qing. Did he got himself into trouble?Accident perhaps? Dayu gasped upon his own toughts. No no,it can be.Right? Dayu furrowed his brows as he was in too deep with his thoughts.I should call him and ask if he's still breathing.

Dayu scroll over his screen and pressed the call button. Wang Qing name appeared on the screen. Dayu patiently waiting for the other end to answer his call but after a few rings,he was forwarded to a voice mail. Dayu tried again. The same thing happened. And again and again. He unknowingly called Wang Qing tens of times and sent countless of texts that day from morning until night.

That continued to the second day.But still no respond from Wang Qing. Dayu could no longer filled his mind with useless thought so he headed straight to the security office after work and asked for number of Wang Qing apartment. Dayu was stunned at first when he learnt that the number corresponded to his own apartment,520.Same exact number but on a different building. 

Dayu gathered all of his strength before taking an elevator,heading up toward Wang Qing's apartment. He had thought of giving up once he stood in front of the door. But after a long battle with himself,he bravely pointed his finger and pressed the bell once. Twice,third until someone showed up at the door.

"Wang...Qing" Dayu widen his eyes to the sight in front of him. A half naked Wang Qing,in just underpants stood at the door.His expression was not good. Dayu unable to throw words he been wanting to say.All he did was staring blankly as if he never see any half naked man before.

"Someone at the door?" Voice of a woman came from inside snapped Dayu from his daydream.

"I come at a bad time sorry," said Dayu before he quickly dashed off.Forget about the elevator,just take the stairs! Dayu hurriedly climbed down as he clutched his chest. At least he is fine,nothing bad happen to him. Dayu headed straight to his house.


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