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Wang Qing kept on thinking about the moment earlier when Dayu walked down the isle,looking as nervous as he was. He thought that he might lose that man once again but who would have guess that they actually got married. Thinking about how his status changed in a day brought a smile on his face. No one would believe what he went through,just imagine how his co-workers would react once they see the ring on his finger. The smile on his face turned into a grin. Wang Qing would occasionally glanced over at Dayu who was quietly sitting and staring outside, probably tired from organizing such an event by himself.They soon arrived at their apartments area.

 "Ah..I can't even apply for a day off tomorrow" sighed Wang Qing as they walked from the parking lot. The sky turned dark as the sun slowly set. Dayu stole a glance over his husband and smiled.

"Why do you need a day off?" asked Dayu,as if he had no clue on what could be running on Wang Qing's mind. They both stopped in front of the elevator,waiting for it to came down.

"Our honeymoon of course.We are now married couple and honeymoon is a must!" emphasized Wang Qing,causing Dayu to bust into a loud laughter. Wang Qing raised his brows,not expecting that kind of reaction from Dayu.

"There's so much more to think of now that we are married,don't you think so?" questioned Dayu as they got into the elevator. 

Wang Qing took a glance at Dayu and tapped his chin with his finger. It was indeed true,their lifestyle won't be the same anymore.Along the way up to his apartment floor Wang Qing was occupied with his future plan. 

"Are you not getting out?" questioned Dayu while staring at seemly dazed Wang Qing in front of the opened elevator door. 

"Sorry" said Wang Qing as he quickly walked out."Right!It would be weird staying at two different apartments.Why don't you move your things here?" suggested Wang Qing.

"Ah right!I forgot about my apartment!" Dayu blinked his eyes repeatedly before letting out a small chuckle."Guess i am getting used to think that this is my house too" he added.

"Then let's head back to your apartment and move few things here" said Wang Qing in slightly high pitched voice,as if he was eager to start living together with his beloved lover.

"No no,you go ahead and take some rest.I will head back and take few of my personal belongings.We can move other things little by little tomorrow or on the weekend."

Wang Qing was slightly disappointed with the answer.He wanted to be someone Dayu can depend on.He's aware of Dayu being a man but sometimes he wishes to do more things together for Dayu's own safety. Dayu immediately noticed the changed expression on Wang Qing's face. He stretched his hand,grabbing Wang Qing's arm as he shuffled closer. 

"I will only go for a quick while.Nothing bad will happen.Alright?" Dayu looked up with a smile on his face,assuring Wang Qing.

"I can never win you..Alright then,just for a while.If you don't come back in half an hour then i am going there" Wang Qing brought his hands and delicately cupped Dayu's cheeks. Leaning in to give him a quick peck on his lips. Dayu smiled bashfully as he nodded his head.

Wang Qing sent Dayu to the elevator before going into his apartment,cleaning himself and wore his pajamas of a white plain shirt and a black short. Wang Qing kept on staring at his ring finger and smiled to himself.  He lost count on how many times he been smiling that day alone. He walked back and forth from kitchen to his living room,occasionally staring at the clock.It's been more than half an hour but Dayu still has not come back. Wang Qing grabbed his phone and apartment key,ready to leave when he got a phone call from unknown number. At first he ignored the call,locked his apartment and took an elevator down. But he received another call.

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