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Earlier that morning Wang Qing drove Dayu to his workplace before he went to the station,reporting back to duty. His chief handed back his gun along with his batch.

"Brother,it's good to see you back," greeted Chengyu as soon as Wang Qing entered the station,followed by a loud cheer from his co-worker.

"Things are good?" asked Wang Qing the moment he took a sit.

"Like usual,if things are good we would be jobless" said the person next to him,followed by laughter.

"Our section is fine but crime section is restless nowadays" said Chengyu as he walked over to Wang Qing desk along with files on his hand.

"Restless?" asked Wang Qing. It's nothing unusual about crime section working overtime and having more work than their section.What unusual was the fact that Chengyu mentioned it.

"Series of murder occurred for the past couple of weeks,haven't you heard about it?The murderer is still free on the street and superintendent is urging them to catch whoever that is as soon as possible," explained another officer. Wang Qing simply nodded his head as he went through files on his table.

"What were you been doing for the past couple of weeks to miss such a hot news?" teased Chengyu. Wang Qing placed his finger on his lips,telling Chengyu to shut up. If they know that he been chasing after a guy for the past couple of weeks,they would probably laugh on his face.

"Do you know what's weird about those cases?" whispered another officer.Everyone suddenly gathered around,lending their ears and waiting to know.Wang Qing glanced over and pretended as if he has no interest.He wondered what could be weird about murder cases.

"I heard that all the bodies found are still breathing but their hearts are not beating.Their eyes turned pitch black.They still keep those bodies at the morgue,not knowing if they should marked them as dead or alive," explained the officer. Everyone gasped at the new information.

"Ayeeee- How can that be possible.You are making things up " said Wang Qing,expressing his doubt on what he just heard.

"What are you guys doing here?Is this free time?" a stern voice of a man caused them all to jump from their position.

"Salute sir" said everyone while standing upright when they realized it was their chief.

"Go back to your work.Wang Qing why are you still here?You are on patrolling duty today along with that newbie" ordered the chief as he pointed at a female sitting far at the corner.

Everyone went back to their seats. Wang Qing did not noticed that female earlier until just now. She stood up and showed a car key in her hand. Wang Qing nodded his head as he understood the signal. They both walked out,heading toward parking lot where police cars were neatly parked.Wang Qing in charge of driving and the female acted as his assistant.They left the station and drove to their assigned area.

"Sorry I did not noticed you earlier.When did you started working?" asked Wang Qing on their way.

"It's only been 10 days" she answered. Wang Qing nodded his head.

"They treat you well right," Wang Qing expressed his concern for the new employee as she was the only female staff in their unit.

"Of course.How can they not when I am this beautiful," she chuckled,followed by Wang Qing. It's undeniable that she was indeed beautiful. A slim model like figure,fair white skin,red plump lips and glamorous curves.Anyone who laid their eyes on her would be dazzled by her beauty.

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