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"General Wang,quick!," Jianyu crooked his finger before placed it on his lips. He squatted while hiding behind bushes. His eyes were fixed.

Upon hearing that,General Wang crouched down on the spot. He carefully waddled forward,just like a goose. Jianyu waved his hand,asking General Wang to move faster.

"Why?" whispered General Wang once he's near Jianyu.

"Look," Jianyu pointed his finger at a couple of bunnies hoping around,chewing some grasses. He supported his chin with his palm while looking with admiration. General Wang smiled and slowly positioned himself in sitting position. 

"So,are we having bunnies for dinner?" whispered General Wang after observing those bunnies for a while.

"What?" Jianyu turned his head and made a disbelief expression."Of course not!We are eating vegetables tonight"said Jianyu loudly,causing the bunnies to disperse in shock.

General Wang brought up his hand and gently stroked Jianyu's head."I was just joking" he said. 

They both got up and continued walking. Jianyu promised to bring General Wang to nearby town that day. It's been almost a month since he arrived at Jianyu's residence but not once he been to the nearby town. He's fully healed from his previous wounded and wishes to return immediately. But every time he talked about going to Palace,Jianyu will show sour face.

General Wang intended on selling the jade bracelet in his possession once they got into the town. The money that he will get will be given to Jianyu as compensation for saving his life. Even though he knows that amount of money can never be sufficient to repay Jianyu's act of kindness.

"When are you planning on leaving?" Jianyu suddenly broke the silence.

"As soon as possible," replied General Wang.

"Can you not leave and just stay here?" Jianyu lowered his head and stared at the ground while walking.

"I will comeback once i clear up my name,i promise" General Wang glanced over.

"What if you lie?What if you...." Jianyu could not bring himself to finish up his own words.

General Wang changed his walking direction. He stopped right in front of Jianyu,who had been staring at the ground. He gently placed his hands on Jianyu's shoulder.

"Nothing bad will happen to me alright.I will keep my words,trust me," said General Wang as he slowly slid his right hand onto Jianyu's chin and lifted it up. Jianyu smiled faintly. His thought was not just a mere baseless thought. He had been seeing posters of General Wang's face all over the town for the past few weeks. Only couple of days ago people from the palace came over and took all those posters down.

"Say...." said General Wang while staring intensively at Jianyu."How old are you?" he asked.

Jianyu raised his brows and blinked his eyes a few times."I am 17" he said.

General Wang scoffed and gently pinched Jianyu's nose."We are 9 years apart" he said as he turned his body and walked in front of Jianyu.

"You can be my big brother then," said Jianyu in cheerful voice.He always wanting a big brother,someone he can lean on and share his thoughts with.

General Wang nodded his head once and lifted up his hand."You better start walking or we might not get there" he said while waving his long arm.

"Yes big brother" said Jianyu with excitement,he skipped as he tried to match up with General Wang footsteps.

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