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"Urghhh..Wang Qing.." Dayu groaned as he looked down.In the dim light,he saw Wang Qing's head slowly moving up and down in between his legs. Dayu bent his neck,clutching on bed sheet with his both hands.He gritted his teeth. The warmth from Wang Qing's mouth electrify his whole nerves. 

"Qing..we can't..." pleaded Dayu as he extended his arms,reaching for Wang Qing's head. 

Wang Qing who was devouring on Dayu's asset paused his movement.He lifted up his face,looking at Dayu who panted heavily. Dayu pushed up his upper body as his hands travelling down to Wang Qing's shoulder. 

"You don't like it?" asked Wang Qing when he saw Dayu's troubled expression.

"No..I..We can't have sex yet" said Dayu,almost whispering.

"Why not?You were the one who made that suggestive moves and now you want to back off?" replied Wang Qing,raising his brows. It's true that Dayu was the one who initiate the move by climbing on top of Wang Qing while he was reading. But he did not expect them to be in that lewd position,it was too soon for that. 

"I am sorry but according to my family tradition,we can't have sex until we are bound by sacred bond." Dayu looked down,afraid to see Wang Qing changing facial expression. Wang Qing moved in closer,he held out his hand and gently placed his thumb under Dayu's chin.

"By sacred bond,you mean......" he put a little pressure on his thumb,lifting Dayu's head. Dayu faintly nodded as their eyes met. Wang Qing inhaled a small amount of air. He thought that they can finally be one that night but he was told otherwise. Wang Qing got up from his position and bent down to pick up Dayu's trouser on the floor. He helped Dayu putting it back on and sat at the edge of the bed with his back facing Dayu. 

"That sacred bond you talked about,it's impossible for us.You are aware of that right?" said Wang Qing in a low tone of voice. 

Dayu dragged his knees on the bed,moving closer to Wang Qing. He was hesitant for a moment but finally brought his arms around Wang Qing. He tightly hug Wang Qing while leaning his head against each other.

"I know it is impossible.I do want to spend this whole lifetime with you,but we can still be happy even without doing it right," Dayu closed his eyes. He been warned about it by Irene a long time ago.Being with a man is not the same with being with woman in the eyes of society, but it's already too late for that. Immortals never care about gender but humans do.There were few immortals who exchanged their vows with humans of same gender but back in those days,it were lot easier when they can do it in front of the dragon himself.Nowadays,people no longer believe in dragons. 

"Maybe you are right," said Wang Qing as he lightly patted Dayu's arm. 

"Qing,there are so many things i have not yet tell you about.I am afraid that you might leave me if you know how different i am compared to you" whispered Dayu in a very low tone of voice,as if he was talking to himself. Wang Qing placed his hands on Dayu's arms,slowly pulled them away from his body.

"You better rest now,I am going for a walk.You don't have to wait for me" he said as he walked out of the room leaving Dayu alone on the bed,hugging his knees while burying his head in between.

That night Wang Qing went out for a walk around the apartment area.His feet were busy moving around and his mind was busy thinking about his current situation with his lover. He actually felt guilty for Dayu who had been saving himself while he was living a wild and carefree life. He can only blame himself for his own behavior. That time when Wang Qing went home,Dayu was asleep so he decided to sleep on the sofa outside of the room. His intention was not to disturb Dayu but Dayu misunderstood when he saw Wang Qing on the sofa the next morning. Dayu did not wait for Wang Qing to drive him,instead he drove himself to work that day.When Wang Qing woke up he realized Dayu already left and he was late for work.

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