The Fall.

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HI! Cat here, thank you for choosing to read this. I do not own any of these characters except for Phoebe and Catherine!! All other characters belong to MARVEL.

Chapter 1;

*Loki's P.O.V*

Thor held out the container rimmed with gold, holding the Tesserect. He motioned it towards me waiting for my hand to take the handle opposite him so we could return to Asgard, where I would pay for the havoc I had caused on Midgard. I had let the Chitari into this realm and allowed them to destroy everything and once it was mine then the pitiful Midgardians would've known peace, once they realised that 'free will' was the worlds great lie. They would've been mine to rule, just how Asgard should have been mine for I am the rightful king! Thor just likes to ruin my Glory, as does Father.

Thor twisted his end of the glass box, a blinding blue light surrounded us, separating us from The Avengers who were stood surrounding us. There was Bruce Banner-The Hulk, Steve Rogers-Captain America, Tony Stark-Iron Man, Clint Barton-Hawk eye, Natasha Romanoff-Black Widow. Also Nick Fury was there smirking as he watched us leave knowing that he had won this time. How I'd come to hate this group of idiots.

We beamed up in seconds and were approaching Asgard's Bi-frost at the end of our Rainbow Road. I sighed knowing that my punishment would be imprisonment or worse... banishment. However if my father, Odin, is as smart as he thinks he is then banishing me to Midgard, the Realm I just tried to conquer would not be the smartest idea. We were almost at the Bi-frost, I could almost smell the disappointment. A strange feeling overwhelmed me. I felt different. I had travelled between Realms all the time but never did this feeling occur... I looked up to Thor to see if he too was experiencing this unease but he was gone. I was falling, hard and fast. Back to Midgard. I struck out but it didn't help, I was still racing towards Midgard.


I hit the ground hard, breaking it beneath me. letting out a groan I struggled to my feet, wincing at the pain shooting through my back. I looked to my left and was caught off guard. A woman was stood staring, with a puzzled look on her face.

"How did you?... You just... Where did you fall from?!" She asked, taking in my appearance. I could tell she thought I looked strange but I didn't care for her opinions. She was a midgardian who I needn't waste my time explaining myself to.

"I fell from Asgard." I stated, knowing it was adding to her confusion. She didn't move, only tilted her head slightly.

"Sorry, Where?" She asked. So many questions, dear Odin I hate Humans sometimes.

"I am Loki, The Rightful King Of Asgard! Asgard is three Realms away from your realm; Midgard, satisfied?" I was growing impatient and really wanted to understand myself why I had fallen but with this helpless person with me it was impossible.

Her face turned into that of... excitement? Amazement? "Tell me more!" She scraped her black and green hair out of her face stepping closer to hear my story which I was not too compelled to tell. I do approve of her hair though, Green and black go well together much better than red and gold. I was only thinking this though because the garments I wear always consist of Blacks and Greens where as Thor's are always his Gold armour and pathetic red robe that fell from his shoulders and trails on until it reaches the floor. It's highly impractical... a trip hazard in my opinion. Quim.

"Do you not know who I am?!" I asked, agitated by the fact she thought my title was a story to tell.

She looked at me like I was stupid. "Yes, you are Loki of Asgard and you literally minutes ago tried to take over my realm." She mocked the way I called Midgard her Realm. She smiled at herself knowing she was correct and I couldn't help but smirk at her reply. "Okay, so maybe you do know of me." I nodded approvingly.

"I also know that you have no idea how you got here either, before you ask how I know or deny it let me explain. When I asked where you fell from, you looked around with worry spread on your face even though you tried to cover it, you didn't know how you got here and you were looking for a clue to give it away. I noticed this because, well I guess you could say I read people." she smiled at me. I was shocked and she must have seen that too. "Sorry." She said after. I didn't understand how she could learn so much in less than a minute but she clearly wasn't the same as all the other Earthlings.

"Do not apologise, I am impressed by your observations." My lips curled and I smirked again. She laughed and sat down at which point I noticed that we were in a forest clearing, thick trees were around us and thankfully no other humans to annoy me. She had sat down on the grass in front of me, looking up and smiling. "Well sit down then!" she said still grinning.

"I do not take orders from you!" I shouted which only made her laugh. It infuriated me that she was laughing at me! In the presence of a God she should be bowing not laughing! "And yet you are still here. You may not take orders from me but part of you wants to keep talking... I'm just that interesting." She smirked as she said the last part. she was right, I should be leaving but part of me wanted to stay, wanted to continue the conversation. I found her remarkable and quite fascinating as much as one can be as a simple mortal. I thought for a moment and concluded that considering I have no idea why I'm here (though I guess its better than being locked up in Asgardian prison), she doesn't seem particularly annoying. I joined her in her seating arrangements and shifted till I felt comfortable.

"ooh I managed to get the rightful king of Asgard to sit down in a forest with me, I must be good." she joked. The sound of her calling me that made me smile. She is only saying it because that's how I introduced myself but hearing someone else call me the rightful king of Asgard, well it was a good feeling. She looked at me seriously.

"Why did you do it?" she looked at me waiting for the answer. I scowled at her. "Why should I tell you my reasons for doing what I did?! You have no right to know you mewling quim!" I spat. She just shook her head and looked at me again. "But you wish to share with someone why. No one wants to hear your story Loki, you're the Villain. you're job is to be defeated by the Hero or in this case The Avengers. You don get the chance for someone to listen to you, to your story. But I'm here, and i want to know. so please?" She was speaking in such a soothing tone that it made me want to tell her. just to spill everything out. i gave in. "Where do i start?" i asked shaking my head. I didn't know why i was prepared to tell her anything, i had just met her and she was a mortal. i am the God of Mischief and Lies and yet i was opening up to here, a stranger.

"The very beginning! growing up, being in Thor's shadow, start there" How did she know about that? i had never old anyone that! "It's obvious Loki, people talk about him with such pride and happiness and yet all you get is disappointment and hatred. I believe that is called unfair because that means you don't get a chance." She knew everything! how did she know? how did she understand?

"Umm, Well as a child, me and Thor would be together all the time, proving to father, Odin, That we were worthy Kings for him. He always cared more for Thor. I used to think it was because he was he first born but as I got older I realized just how different I was. Compared to other Asgardians I was much paler. My hair so much darker. My shape much thinner. I knew I was different. The frost giants, who are Asgard's biggest enemy, contacted me from jotunheim and told me about my true purpose. How I wasn't even Odin's son. I let them into Asgard to let them take back the tesserect to restore their realm. War almost started, Thor was banished and I became king. I then found out that I was a frost giant and Odin had taken me as a baby from Jotunheim and brought me up as his own. All my life I had tried to get his approval, to be treated as an equal to Thor but I never was. that's why I turned to the Chitari to help me take over Midgard, thinking that I didn't need fathers approval and I could do this on my own. I was wrong. Now when I return to Asgard my punishment will be imprisonment but on our way there I fell back down and i have no idea why. I also have no idea why I'm telling you all this." I blurted it all out, barely pausing for breath. I realized I had just told her my whole life and I didn't even know her name.

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