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Chapter 7;

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I set the pizza boxes evenly between us. There was one Pepperoni and one double cheese because I wasnt sure if Loki was a vegetarian or anything like that. I quickley started bot wanting to waste any time by pulling a slice away and chewing on it whilst eagerly waiting for Loki to try some.

"Well go on!" I said after I finished eating my first slice. He had been sat looking between me and the Pizza with a slightly worried expression. He furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to stare at the Pizza i had now taken two slices from.

"It looks Disgusting." He finaly said, crossing his arms. I scoweld at him because of his comment.

"Dont judge a book by its cover! It tastes amazing honestly!" I convinced him. He sighed and slowly reached his hand forwards taking a slice. He cautiously bit into it and began chewing. I bit my lip as  I could see he was trying to figure out whether he liked it or not.

"It's revolting, how could you eat such a thing?!" He said loudly. He knew he was joking when he laughed and continued to eat it.

"So, do you like it?" I asked, a bit too eagerly to know his opinion. He smiled and thought for a moment.

"It isnt my particular favorite, But as food it will sufise." I nodded, slightly confused with his answer and continued eating. After my eigth slice of pizza I turned and rested my back against the base of the sofa and groaned.

"I seriously cannot eat any more!" I closed my eyes and sighed. Loki chuckled and picked up the cardboard boxes that had held the pizza and took them to the kitchen. He put them on the side and then poured him self a glass of water.

A phsycopathic Murderer from Asgard is in my Kitchen making himself a drink.

I laughed as he came back and sat down next to me on the floor.

"You dont have to sit on the floor." I said Looking at him.

"I know, but I too like sitting on the floor now." He replied smiling. I laughed and looked up at the ceiling unsure of what to say next.

"Do you think they are searching for you?" I asked quietly. He shrugged,

"Probably. I was their prisoner so they must think it was an escape plan." He said with a sigh. "But even if they were looking for me it wouldnt be easy for them to locate me. Its not like im prowling the streets slaughtering all with my Asgardian Armour on." I laughed a little, Thinking about what he said made me realise that if we were to go outside then he didnt really blend in all too well.

"I know you wont like this but, I think we need to buy you some clothes that people from around here wear because they kind of make you stick out." I said gesturing to what he was wearing at the moment. He nodded at my point.

"I had been thinking that too. I'm not too keen on being held prisoner by Nick Fury again and im sure if i look how I do know, someone will notice and report it to him."

I sat up in my seat looking at Loki's hair.

"We are going to have to cut your hair aswell." I said glumly, His lips began to curl into a smirk.

"Grown fond of my hair have you?" He asked with a small grin. I laughed and nodded.

"Honestly, I love you're hair. I'm not going to like it if its all short." I said truthfully. There was no point in lying, so what if he knows I love his hair? Its an only an opinion after all.

He Laughed and looked up at my hair examining it from roots to tips.

"I rather like you hair as well." His smirk returned once again and i could feel heat rushing to my cheeks. I ducked my head quickly so that he couldnt see me blushing but it only made him laugh more and even without looking at him i could tell his smirk had grown.

I smiled at his comment. Once my cheeks had returned their natural colour I stood up, brushing myself off and stretched.

"Well I'm absolutly shattered?" I said sighing. Loki frowned in confusion and stared at me.

"How are you shattered?" He asked. I laughed slightly, He obvioisly wasnt used to phrases like that.

"I mean I'm really tired" I explained. He laughed once he realised what i had meant.

"Well in that case im shattered too." He stated standing up. I smiled and started to walk to my bedroom and he followed behind.

"Well then, Good night Loki" I said as i stopped outside my door. He nodded and bent down lifting my hand to his lips and he pressed them softly together. Butterflies where unleashed in my somach and my knees felt slightly weak as he did so. I blushed as he stood up again.

"Good night, Phoebe." He said still smiling. He opened his door to his room and walked in shutting it behind him. I stood there in the hall between our rooms staring after where he was just stood. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts of Loki away that were creeping into my head.

I walked into my room and changed into some clothes I could sleep in. Tomorrow was saturday so I didnt have to wake up early and I could buy some new clothes for Loki. I smiled as I climbed into my bed, pulling the warm duvet up to my face.

Tomorrow will be fun. The day I give Loki a makeover.

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now