Chapter 13;

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Chapter 13;

*Loki's Point Of View*

Me and Phoebe had been sat infront of her fire place, roasting 'marshmallows'... They were not as good as sweets from Asgard but they were tollerable. I had been telling her stories from when me and my brother, Thor, were growing up together. When we would play fight, or adventure around the Gardens, or learn to ride horses together. Back when nothing mattered.

"Damn, I'm tired!" Phoebe exclaimed, Throwing the empty packet of marshmallows into the bin, she missed and went to stand to pick it up, I stood up before her, "Allow me." I said. I quickly dropped the packaging into the bin and helped Phoebe to her feet.

"You must rest." Phoebe smiled and gave me a small nod which I presumed certified that she was thanking me. Phoebe had all little things that I was uncovering that made her unique, apart from the entire Mind entering and reading as such. I had already learnt that she nods when she means thankyou, If she 'pops her thumb out of it's socket' -as she says- Then she is either really uncomfortable in a situation or slowly being overpowered by a sense of rage. It was little ticks like that I found interesting about her.

Phoebe sorted out the dying fire so the flames wouldn't enlarge and burn us during the night, then she walked towards her room and stood in the door way, "Well, Good night Loki! See you in the morning. Sleep well."

I reached for her hand and kissed it gently, "And you, Phoebe of Midgard." And with that I turned and walked into the room opposite of which I slept in and closed the door behind me, showing my infamous smirk as I did so.


*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I awoke from the sun blaring through my curtains, blinding me, even through my eyelids. I slowly squirmed out of my bed and pulled on my Black ripped tights, black skater skirt and my Slipknot top and my Bring Me The Horizon hoodie. It was so soft on the inside! I loved it!

After getting changed I slipped my feet into my fluffy black slippers and hauled myself to the kitchen, it was about half nine in the morning so I wasn't too sure if Loki was awake or not. I eventually made it to the kitchen and I made myself some breakfast before sitting down on the floor and opening my laptop, there was no sign of Loki so I guessed he was asleep untill I heard the shower turn on.

I focused my attention to my laptop, but as I did so my phone beeped next to me. I frowned in confusion, who the hell would text me this early?! To me, this is the equivilant of waking up at six in the morning!

New Message: From~ Kitty Kat ~

That would be one of my best friends Catherine, She is crazy but I love her all the same! I met her from work, She helps Tony and Bruce with all the sciency crap they do... She was especially good in the whole radiation area of it. I see her everyday up there and we are like the same person! I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me! she once told me she would kill someone just so she could save my seat at the cinema...

Kitty Kat: Hi!~ Is it okay if I come over today? I ordered a Halestorm hoodie off the internet and it arrived today but I accidently bought two, wondering if you want the other one? <3 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I replied instantly, Halestorm are one of my favourite bands ever! In fact, they are my favourite band!

Pheeboobie: Ohmygosh yes! Thankyouuu! <3 Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Catherine and I talked for a bit longer and planned for her to come over at about eleven. I had told her about Loki and just like me she wasn't scared, she was really excited to meet him. A few minutes later, I heard Loki walk into the front room, "Good morning!" He said, Taking an apple from the bowl on the side in the kitchen, and biting into it.

"Good morning! So, err' today my friend is coming over, don't worry, she knows about you but won't tell anyone. Are you okay with that?" I asked, It didn't really matter if he wasn't okay with it, she was coming over anyway. My house, My friends, My rules.

He nodded, saying he was fine with that, then we just spent the time discussing what we would do today and that I have to go to work tomorrow, then I heard a loud nock on the door and then Catherine walk straight in. Good old Cat!

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