Shopping Trip!

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Chapter 10;

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and heard Loki clear his throat behind me, obviously he wanted my attention so I quickly switched off my music and turned around to look at him. I smiled at him before me. He looked so different now. His long slicked back hair was now short and blond, slightly ruffeled from towel drying his hair. I nodded approvingly before I stood up, grabbing my keys off the counter next to me.

"You look fabulous" I laughed and turned around dramatically and began to gallop across the room -picking up my handbag on the way and shutting my laptop- and out the front door. Loki looked at me with a worried expression as I did so and I couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head and rolled his eyes before trailing behind slowly.

"Follow me!" I yelled, physicaly running down the pathway towards the shops. Loki's blank expression didnt change, nor did he change his pace. "Or not..." I mumbled, slowing down and walking next to him.

It felt strange walking around with him outside. He was always cooped up in my appartment, the fear of someone recognizing him now was overwhelming and I had to keep calm. I didnt want to cause suspision. Loki looked towards the shops then back at me.

"So what are we buying?" He asked, observing the people around us. It was so obvious that he was judging each and everyone of them, probably insulting them In some fancy Asgardian language. He walked next to me, strangly calm.

"Anything you need! Also I need to buy some more things that I can wear in the summer because all my clothes aren't practical and I would probably overheat and die!" He nodded and smiled slightly before turning his gaze back to the people.

It wasnt long before we were at the entrance of the shopping centre. I looked at the huge building in front of us, then back to Loki. "Ta-Dah!" I laughed and pulled him inside.

I tugged him into Various shops, buying him some things. I even bought him a small drawing set because he said how peaceful drawing made him feel, and because he was really good! I bought him some more clothes that he picked out, most of them green and black, and bought him some more black shoes.

I had bought some things for myself as well, I had bought a pair of short-shorts, Black with white ripped patterns and a small saftey pin chain that linked either side together. And a few tops to go with them.

We had been buying particular items for hours and my legs were beggining to get tired.

I sighed and sat down on a bench next to me.

"I can't do anymore shops!" I said collapsing. Loki chuckled and told me to get up and follow him. I refused at his command which made him sigh. He stuck his hand out causing me to frown before I realised he was offerning to pull me up. I took his hand in mine and hauled myself up with the help of Loki. He didn't take his hand away and neither did I. Instead he turned his hand so our fingers were interlocking. I could feel the blood rushing over my cheeks and the smile that was twitching at the sides of my lips.

Loki began pulling me, leading me towards some empty area behind the shopping centre's car park.

"What are we doing?" I was confused and tired. He winked and held onto my hand tighter, as well as his bags in the other hand. I did the same and clenchd my fist around the handles.

"Wha are we doi-" I was cut off as I felt the ground beneath my feet suddenly change and a churning feeling formed in the bottom of my stomach. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, pushing my face into Loki's chest.

The feeling stopped. It stopped just as suddenly as it had started. I looked around, only to see the room around me had changed and we were stood in my appartment. We had freaking teleported. I shook my head in disbelief but Loki only smiled at me, laughing slightly.

He smirked and looked down at me, Knowing I was going to ask how he did it.


"Did he just steal my line?". I thought for a moment. "Well that was rude!"

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now