Chapter 14;

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Sorry for not updating, Get over it.

*Catherine's Point Of View*

"HI PHEEBEH!" I said, galloping towards Phoebe, picking her up off the ground and hugging her tightly. I turned to see Loki and squeezed him into a huge hug. He resisted for most of it and afterwards let out the breath I didn't realise he was holding. He shook himself as if he was trying to rid the feeling of an unwanted hug. Eveyone loves hugs though. I'm a very huggy person!

"How have you been?!" I asked, unzipping my bag, revealing another sealed clear bag holding a black lump of a jumper. I handed it to Phoebe and she ripped it open, pulling the hoodie on and grinned for a moment. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"I've been great! You?"

I shrugged, "Meh. How come Loki, you don't look so... God-like?" I felt Loki's stare on me, as if it was burning my very soul. The hairs on my neck were beging to stand on end, I shuddered and waited for his reply.

"Clothes were bought for me so I would give the effect of looking more... Human." He said the word human almost as if he was discusted by our presence. How rude.

"Bitch." I spat. I don't give a rats ass if he's some fancy Asgardian. He is in our realm so he can treat us with a bit of respect. Damn... I should of said that aloud. "You're in our Realm, Our rules. You've already failed to take it over, don't go and insult us... Asgardian."

Loki frowned and crossed his arms impatiently. What a jerk. But he's hot though. Damn, Phoebe saw him first. oh well. And I feel so pro for saying that! I don't mean saying he was hot, I mean the whole "our realm" thing. Whoo, inside celebration dance.

"How come you are still here?" I asked again, the same irritated tone lingering on my words as I spoke.

"I don't know. I didn't choose to stay here. I fell back to Midgard and am figuring out why. I have lost all Asgardian power I once held, but my powers from Jotunhiem blood remain. I am still a frost giant."

I rose my eybrows, "Nice speech. Rehearsed in the mirror I presume?" This time Phoebe stood up, telling both of us to just calm down.  I happily obliged and went to the kettle. I waited a few minutes while I made us all a cup of tea; I had to bite my lip to resist the urge to spit in Loki's drink. I then returned to the two who were now having an intelectual conversation about space travel. I set the teas down and listened in, leaning in on every word. After a few minutes they seemed to notice I had returned.

"What's this?" Loki asked, examining the mug of tea he now held in his hands. "Just drink it!" I said, Taking a mouthfull of mine. He did as I said and tasted some. He was desiphering whether or not he liked it when there was another knock at the door. I looked over at Phoebe and mimed 'Were you expecting anyone else?' She shook her head and we looked at Loki, He stood and hurried over to the hallway to stand outside his door, out of sight.

"Hello?" Phoebe asked, heading towards the door, She was panicking slightly, as was I. She carefully opened the door and saw a small package on the floor. She picked it up and walked back to me, shutting the door. I frowned and she shrugged in reply. Loki's head emerged from the behind the wall, looked around the room and then joined us after realising there was no extra visitors. All of him, not just his head of course.

"What is it?" Loki asked, taking his place next to Phoebe pretty much towering over her. She shrugged and then slowly began to open the neatly sealed box. We stared whilst she continued to reveal the contents of the box. We gaped in silence as we watched in awe. We hadn't seen it yet but the suspense was killing us.

"Oh, It is just my new shoes. I ordered some new creepers off Ebay." Phoebe laughed taking out the shoes and putting then on the floor. I let out the breath I was apparently holding and Loki sighed, We were both expecting something more exciting than shoes I think.

"Well that was an anti-climax. Now what?" I said, Finishing my tea and checking the time. It was about twelve. Phoebe shrugged and Loki shared the same uncertain look.

"How are you planning on getting home, Loki?" I asked, trying to keep a conversation going. He looked up as if the ceiling would hold the answer, "I don't know," He sat down and rested his head in his hands, "Heimdall cannot hear me. There is no tesserect. I am stuck here." I felt kind of bad for him. He is sort of like an adorable stubborn lost puppy in a flood, Only he caused the flood. Phoebe sat down next to him on the sofa and smiled, "Cheer up! I dislike unhappines." She pulled out a controller for her Xbox from the drawer next to her and smirked. She retreieved two more and passed one to me and the other to Loki.

"Halo 4?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. It was sort of a retorical question though, considerring it is my favourite game. Loki obviously didn't understand much of what we were talking about so I began to explain while Phoebe set it up.

We spent the next few hours playing Halo 4; War Games; Flood. It was hilarious at first, but Loki was quite good. He learnt the controls fast so it didn't take long to teach him.

"Oh shit!" I had just checked the time and was stood up, pulling my shoes on. "I said I would meet up with Ryan- The new science nerd to join me- at four! Shit, I'm going to be late!" I grabbed my bag and hugged Phoebe and Loki then ran out the door. "Byeeee!"

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

"Bye..." Catherine had just fled out the room. "Apparently there is a new science freak... Okay." Loki hadn't even notcied she had gone, He was intensley concentrating on the current match on Halo we were in. Oh wow. It was adorbale though, his lips were slightly apart and I could see his teeth biting on his tongue ever so slightly. Aw. After a few minutes he set the controller down and looked up at me and I quickly averted my gaze and pretended to be interested in the closed window that had rain hammering against it. "Oh, you can continue staring at me if you like." I shot Loki a 'death glare' And folded my arms in defense, trying to hide the red blush I could feel burning my cheeks. "I, was not staring. Thank you very much." Loki scoffed and his lips curled at the corners into a smirk, he stood up and stretched out his arms. "Of course."

Okay. so maybe I was staring, but why in the world would I admit to that?! He seems to know anyway. Shit.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, gathering my thoughts. He paused, mid stretch, and thought for a moment " Yes, I am." I smiled and nodded, "Me too! Fast Food, Take Away (Chinese) or pasta?" Once again he thought and brought his hand to his chin, "Chinese..." He mumbled as if he didn't quite understand it. "You... You eat Chinese people?..." Loki's voice was quiet, almost scared. I burst into laughter, collapsing back onto the sofa, holding my stomach. "No! Chinese food, not people! OhMyGosh!" I wiped away the tears of laughter after I'd calmed down and picked up the phone. I don't even know why it was so funny. It was just one of those moments. I dialed the number for the closest Take Away and ordered my favourites. It's times like this I'm glad I live three hours away from New York, otherwise everything would be destroyed and there would be no Chinese places. Thanks to Loki they're all sort of... not there anymore.

After about thirteen minutes of me telling Loki all about the best Chinese food there is, there was a knock on the door. I lept up and opened it, I payed for the food and returned to the table where Loki was sat patiently. I set everything out and handed him some cutlery and took some for myself. Then I grabbed two plates and we started eating. It tasted great! I hadn't had it for weeks!

*Loki's Point Of View*

"That was quite good. Nothing compared to banquits I'm used to, but it will suffise." I stood up and helped Phoebe clear the table. I don't know why. I just felt as though I should help, even though it is the sort of things slaves should be doing. Once it was finished she checked the time and yawned. "Okay, It's eight... I have to get up at four tomorrow morning so I'm going to sleep. Feel free to stay up."

"I too am tired." I said, closing the 'Dishwasher' as Phoebe called it. I approached my door and turned to see Phoebe walking to hers. "Good night, Phoebe." I smiled- Not smirked, but smiled at her. "Good night, Loki." She had already started blushing just like earlier when she realised I knew she was staring at me. petty little human. "Please, sleep well." I said, entering my room and I shut my door. I stripped down and turned the light off then made my way to my bed in the dark and went to sleep. Simple. To simple for the Rightful King Of Asgard! I should be facing my crimes. I wouldn't go through all of this trouble, with such a pathetic world that isn't even worth ruleing, If I couldn't then sit in the dungeons to kill Odin's pride even more. Or maybe he'll have to execute me. Even better.

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