It's back.

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Loki pounded his head in a rythm against his cell wall. He was driving himself mad. He was used to being locked up, infact it never bothered him before. But the cells in Asgard are filled with rambling and chanting criminals who always found some way to amuse Loki. This time, there was no one. He didn't even have his magic to distract himself from the boredom that ripped it's way through him.

Unlike the first time Fury had locked him up, no one had come to taunt Loki, tell him that everything was over or that he'd be back on Asgard soon.


Not one single person had walked passed.

Phoebe on the other hand was watching Catherine busy herslef with countless experiments, titrations and energy conversions being her main chain of thought today. Bruce was lending Catherine a hand with all her experiments, helping her with the odd job and also keeping Phoebe company as Catherine seemed to drift into her own realm of silence when she found an interesting experiment or hypothesis to prove. Bruce didn't seem to be up to much, he was mostly distracted with the where abouts of Tony Stark. He'd randomly dissapeared after lunch. Banner had presumed that the playboy millionare had gone home but after getting Phoebe to hack into the security of Tony's cctv system he'd found that no one had entered Stark Tower. Nor had he left S.H.I.E.L.D's head-quarters.

"What's on your mind?" Phoebe asked, nudging Bruce on the arm gently. A small grunt noise came from Banner's throat as he looked up and proceeded to mumble an indescisive answer.

"In English, please?" Phoebe added.

"I can't help but think something has happened to Tony. I'm not sure what, it's just... Normally when he unexpectadly leaves he'll leave a note or call out some cheesy exit line."

"Yeah... You're right. I'm sure there's nothing wrong."

Both sat in silence, looking at the floor.

A smashing sound came from behind them both, causing them to turn quickly. They saw Catherine, her hand still positioned as if the glass test tube was in her grasp even though it had fallen to the floor and smashed, spilling the lumionous orange contents all over the floor where it quietly burned the ground and created little streams of smoke.

"What is it?!" Phoebe gasped, shock and confusion smothering her face as she shot up and raced over to the frozen scientist.

When Phoebe approached her, she followed Catherine's gaze to the computer screen infront of her, the one that had been checking S.H.I.E.L.D.'s security camera's for Tony.

On the screen was the image of a man sat in a cell. Head in his hands, rustling blonde curls through his fingers. He looked up and sighed, his green eyes darting around the room. The light was dim, and a shadow danced delicately on his chiselled features.

There was no suspecting the fact of who it was.

Phoebe's lips trembled and her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What?... No..." She whispered to herself, "Loki?"

Phoebe immediately darted out of the room and sprinted towards the prison ward, peering through every window of each cell she could see.

"Agent." A womans voice greeted, Phoebe turned to find Natasha heading towards her. "Agent Romanoff!" Phoebe answered, her voice cracking slightly. A brief moment of panic ran over her as she pondered about the dilemma... 'What do I do?!' Phoebe thought. 'Do I tell her I'm busy and continue searching for Loki, or avoid suspicion and talk to her... Crap!'

"Please, call me Nat." Agent Romanoff stated, stopping in front of the telepathic agent. "Time for some training?" Nat suggested.

Phoebe hesitated for a moment before smiling, "Sure!"


"Is anyone going to tell me what's happening?!" Loki called out to his empty cell.

The silence was driving him mad.

"Hello?!" He called again. "Is anyone listening to-" A peircing sound interrupted Loki.

His hands instantly shot up to his ears to cover them from the shrieking noise and his eyes srunched together to avoid the blinding light. A dark green orb came towards Loki, followed by streams and rivers of green light around him. The peculiar blaze of luminous energy engulfed Loki and began seeping into his body.

A surge of power and strength shot through Loki's nerves. He stood tall, clenching his fists. His eyes shot open, revealing glowing red eyes.

His body crippled and he fell to the floor suddenly. A cold sweat took Loki before his skin began to flicker between the usual colour and a pale blue. The colour of the Frost Giants.

Loki yelled, growled, screamed, roared, whined, shrieked- every noise he was capable of. Pain and energy tore through his body and when it was all over, Loki was left laying limp on the floor of his cell. After a few heavy breaths, he had passed out.


"Hold your fire!" Nick Fury ordered.

Loki looked up and saw that the glass cell walls had smahed, and in their place stood a handful of armed men. Their guns pointing directly at Loki.

"What is this?" Loki asked, pulling himself up onto his feet. The guns follwed him.

"You tell me." Fury spat. "You're the one with the light show."

"I don't know what that was." Loki stuttered, looking at his hands.

A feeling much like pins and needles set in Loki's skin. His fists clenched and then opened, followed by a spark of black smoke from the palms of his hands.

The men, including Agent Fury, took a step back. A wild, malicious grin spread across Loki's lips as he began shooting bolts of energy around the room from his hands.

"My power..." Loki began barely louder than a whisper. "It's back!"

A/N Sorry for the bad chapter, Humans. I wanted to give this to you on Christmas day but I was too busy dying over my Xbox (The fact that a bunch of a-holes overloaded the server and corrupted the system- it's STILL DOWN! *Cries uncontrollably*) But anyway. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. I'd love to know what you got and how you spent your day. Feel free to leave it in the comments below or message me.

Another thing, I've had this story for over a year now. Thank you to everyone that's been reading it for so long. I super appreciate it. And to the new readers, I love you just as much! Keep voting and commenting!

So, Thank you!

See you on the next page in the New Year! :3


Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now