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Chapter 6;

*Loki's Point Of View*

She grinned at me as she wa

lked to the Kitchen and began taking two glasses out of a cupboard.

"Do you want a drink?" She asked as she poured herself some wine. I nodded as I sat down making myself comfortable. She came and sat on the floor in front of me and handed me a glass.

"So, did you get up to anything interesting when I was gone?" She smiled and sipped her drink. I thought for a moment recovering the uneventful day I had.

"I read the top shelf of books over there, and I almost destroyed your phone." I took a small taste of wine and spat it out straight after. It was bitter compared to the Wine we drank on Asgard. This tasted cheap and sour.

"Not your kind of thing?" She asked laughing slightly. She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment,

"Why did you 'almost' break the phone?" She asked sending me a quizzical look.

"It kept making a horrid beeping sound and would not stop after countless attempts!" I shook my head and folded my arms across my chest. She laughed as she drank more of her wine, I had put mine down on the small table next to me because I had no intentions of drinking it.

"Oh wow, Loki" She shook her head and smiled. I scowled as she did so.

"What?!" I spat, sitting up straighter in my seat. She only laughed and shook her head again.

"It's nothing." She put her drink down and laid on the floor with her head resting in her hands, propped up by her elbows. "Tell me about Asgard." She asked quietly, a soft and curious smile appearing on her lips.

I smiled and relaxed slightly.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked as a smirk toyed at the corners of my lips.

"Well how do you get there?" She leaned in more so that she wouldn't miss anything I said.

"Well, most of the time we can call out to Heimdall and he will open the gate for us." I said, I knew she didn't know what any of it meant.

"Who's Heimdall?" She smiled in awe as I began to explain.

"Heimdall is the guard of the Bi-frost. It's what allows us to travel to different realms and Heimdall protects it to keep out threats like the Frost Giants for example." She smiled approvingly of my explanation as she thought about what I said.

"Okay, Sso who are the Frost Giants?" She asked. I scowled at myself as I thought about the Frost Giants but hid it so that she couldn't tell.

"The Frost Giants are from the realm Jotunheim. They are hideous creatures and one touch to skin will freeze it instantly. Their Leader, If you like, is Laufey and many years ago when I was merely a baby, A war broke out between them and the Asgardians. After blood was shed, The All-Father, Odin, took the Casket which was Jotunheim's source of power and locked it up in Asgard. They now stay there, in Jotunheim, none of our people come into contact with them either." She looked at me and studied my face carefully. I frowned, confused by her actions.

"What else is it?" She asked softly.

"There is nothing else to be said." I replied avoiding her gaze.

"Loki, I can see that there is something else between you and these Frost Giant things, Please tell me what it is." She said, shocking me slightly. I didn't realize it was that obvious.

"I don't have to tell you." I said quietly but harshly. She sighed and sat up cross legged and rested her hand on my knee.

"Please." She repeated the words while looking into my eyes. I sighed heavily, I had to tell her.

"After the Casket was taken, Odin left to the palace chambers of Jotunheim where to much supris he found a baby. Laufey's son. He took the baby at the time thinking that he would be able to use him as a bridge in the future, connecting the two realms in peace. Offering the child to Laufey in exchange for protection. But that plan no longer exists. Odin brought Laufey's son up as his own, as brother of Thor. Not telling him about his true nature. That he was a Frost Giant. Odin kept it a secret until the Asgardian-Frost Giant found out for himself. Now he knows. The burden of being a Frost Giant has fallen upon him." I sighed heavily as I looked down.

"You're Laufey's Son?" She asked a bit taken back. I nodded and kept my eye contact with the floor refusing to break it.

"I am a disgrace." I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me. She did. She looked hurt and upset at my words.

"Don't say that! Ever! You are not a disgrace, Loki!" She stood up as she spoke frowning. I scoffed but then nodded. "You have my word, Midgardian" She laughed.


Just as I opened my mouth to say something, I heard a knock from her door. Phoebe suddenly rushed towards it and threw open the door grinning. She handed a man some money and took a Pizza box from him. She shut the door and came back to me.

The smell was overpowering and it made me realize just how hungry i was. I hadn't eaten all day and now the smell was making me drool slightly. She set the pizza down in between us and opened the box as a huge smile was plastered onto her face. She looked up at me and smirked,

"Let us begin!"

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now