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Chapter 9;

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I hauled myself off the floor slowly, running a hand through my thick, green and black hair as I did so. I took a deep breath grabbing a pen and paper as I did so, before leaning on the counter and scribbling down a message for Loki.


Gone to the shops for clothes for you that you can wear today!

Back soon!

Phoebe ^-^ X"

I shrugged my coat on before leaving, taking my keys and phone and shoving them in my bag.


*Loki's Point Of View*

I stepped out of the shower, drying away the water on my body and pulled on my black Leather trousers and black longsleeved top. It was the clothes I wore under Asgardian Armour and it was the only thing I had. I quickley rubbed my hair with a towel and left the bathroom, dropping the damp towel next to the door before walking to the kitchen.

I picked up a note adressed to me and read it aloud to myself.  It stated that Phoebe had left to go to a shop. I pulled open one of the cupboards and took down a bowl and something Phoebe called 'Cereal' . She said it was a really typical and common breakfast and had shown me that I was supposed to add milk to it. I did as I had been taught and carefully tipped some 'cereal' into the brightly coloured bowl I had chosen. I turned the bowl and read the outside.

"My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic."

I read, slightly confused. I wasnt too sure what 'My Little Pony" was but I had heard Phoebe mention it quite reguarly. Maybe it is popular here on Midgard.


*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I unlocked the door to my appartment and walked in, pulling a few bags with me. I had bought some simple clothes for Loki to wear while we went out to buy the rest of his things today.

"That was quick!" I was greeted by Loki sat on the floor, sketching something. I wasnt really sure what it was but it looked amazing. some sort of bridge with a dome thing at the end. I smiled at him and winked.

"Magic..." I said secretively. He smirked and stood up but as he stood up, he was suddenly gone. I gasped in shock before I felt cold arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"No, that was Magic." He said and then returned to his spot on the floor where he was drawing. I stood and gaped for a few moments. I shook it off.

He is a God, of course he can teleport!

"I thought you'd lost all your mojo?"

"It seems that some power remains, though not all of it."

I laughed at my amazement and started to pull things out of the bags.

"Okay, Top, Trousers, Socks, Boxers, Shoes and a Jacket. Anything else?" I asked as I pulled out the clothes and threw them at him. He frowned and stood up, towering over me.

"I do not appreciate you throwing things at me, Mortal" He stated coldly. I pushed his chest away and turned. "I'm helping you here. A bit of respect." I said in the same cold tone. His smirk returned once again and he started to peel his shirt off.

I quickely turned away, not wanting to stare at him.

"Is this not familiar?" He mocked, I knew his famous smirk had returned. I scoweld at his comment.

"You're never letting me live that down are you?" I stated, hoping that he would. He only laughed in response. Obviously he won't.

A minute or two later he was done, I turned around to see how he looked. And I must admit, he looked good. He had Black skinny jeans on, a simple Green vest top and a black blazor style jacket. He had black, leather shoes on, I didnt buy him Trainers or anything like that because I think they look scruffy.

"You look great!" I was pleased with my choices of clothing and that I had managed to choose the right sizes. I sighed as I picked up some scissors from the kitchen.

His smile immediatly faded and so did mine. He pulled a chair up and sat down and I followed by grabbing an old towel and wrapping it around his neck. He sighed and ran his hand through his long, black hair before nodding, leading me to continue.

I didnt waste any time. I began snipping parts of his hair, leveling it out and cutting it again. I was finished quite soon. I looked at him from the front and smiled again.

"Okay, it looks pretty cool! Just saying... We're going to have to dye it, Loki."

"Dye it?" Loki frowned, clearly not aware of the term.

"Yeah, change the colour."

"B-But I like the black!" He whined, pulling out his best pout that was so adorable.

"I don't want to do this just like you. But I have to."

Loki nodded glumly and closed his eyes, a sign for me to continue. I prepared the dye quickly and pulled on the crappy gloves the box's provide you with. I began applying it all over his black hair and sighed as I thought about how different he'd look.

"Jesus Christ."

"Who?" Loki asked.

"Oh, never mind. It's just your hair is so easy to dye. It's taken me minutes. Mine takes me like... an hour!"

A small chuckle escaped Loki's mouth and he nodded in acnowledgement.

"Well, now it's ok you have to wait for thirty minutes." Loki grunted in dissaproval, "So you can't go anywhere because I don't want you flicking dye all over my home." I scolded, waving a finger at him.

He began to whine and moan about no being aloud to move so I put my concentration on the laptop screen and a few seconds later music was blaring out from the speakers it was connected to around the room.

Loki looked extremely confused and disgusted at the same time. "What in Odin's name are we listening to?!" He asked over the noise of the music which was extremely loud. I gasped and dramatically put my forehand to my head and pretended to faint.

"This is Is 'Avenged Sevenfold' and the song is 'Scream' at the moment so shut up because I appear to rather like this song." I clicked my fingers and laughed slightly. Once again I turned back to my laptop, ignoring the sound of Loki complaining about the music.

After a quick thirty minutes of me scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard and Loki sat next to me on a chair moaning and sighing out of boredom. My phone beeped as the timer finished and I smiled at Loki, "Go shower. Wash out any dye and keep rinsing it u til the water is clear." I demanded and much to my suprise Loki obliged. With a nod he headed towards the bathroom.

I barely heard the shower turn on over the music that I turned. up louder; not caring if anyone in the appartments around mine was to wake up. It was 10:28 am so I'm sure people will be waking up soon anyway. I slowly lost myself in my thoughts as I usually did, bobbing my head along with the beat to 'Hail To The King'.

And now I wait.

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now