I'm Phoebe!

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Chapter 2;

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I nodded along as Loki explained his story to me, I felt for him. I know what its like to be put down by the people you love. To be made to think that you're not important, that you're replaceable. That's why I'm sitting here with Loki letting him tell me everything. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. In his case I'm a total stranger and I didn't think it would be that easy for him to open up to me.

I stared at his face as he spoke about trying to be Thor's equal but never quite reached that level. Honestly, it was heart-breaking. I looked into his eyes, they were a pale green that somehow shimmered. I'm not going to lie, even though he is a murdering alien criminal, he is still pretty damn cute.

"I also have no concept as to why I'm telling you all this." He stated as he finished his story. I just wanted to hug him and tell him I understand. I could tell that deep down he didn't want to hurt anyone, he just wanted to be accepted. I also knew that I was the only one mad enough to accept him.

I smiled at him. "I understand why you did it." He looked at me acting as if he didn't know what I meant. "I know you know what I mean, I understand. It sucks to be the odd one in the family. Trust me I know, obviously in your case it was a bit different but hey ho. And also I'm sorry for everything you have had to go through alone." He looked at me. "Don't feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for you because you had to listen to my life." He chuckled slightly and looked at me in the eyes. I felt my stomach do a few flips as he sat there staring into me.

"Who are you?" He finally asked as he snapped out of his daze. I laughed at myself

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention that part, I'm Phoebe." He smiled at the sound of my name.

"It's a nice name" I felt my cheeks blush slightly but I managed to cover it quickly.

"So is Loki" I smiled at him and laughed. I wasn't too sure why he stayed but he did. And honestly I didn't want him to go. He may have just destroyed my home city but he needed someone to talk to and so did I.

As the hours went by, we were still in the Clearing and he had been telling me all these wonderful stories about him and Thor and the legends that Odin, his father, used to tell the brothers. It was soon getting dark though and I knew we would have to go our separate ways soon enough.

"It's getting late, you should probably go home." Loki said. I swear there was disappointment in his voice as he said it but it was probably my mind playing tricks on me. "Yeah you're right. Where are you staying tonight?" I asked. He had fallen from Asgard, so I'm sure he didn't really have time to book a hotel. He thought for a moment before concluding,

"I have no idea... I might stay here. This Forest is rather... comforting." He looked at the trees surrounding us then back to me and smiled. If he was going to stay here then surely he would get cold or something. I thought about staying to keep him company but I was too cold myself.

"Well I have a spare bedroom so if you like you can stay at mine? I know we only just met but I know everything about you and you know a lot about me so it wouldn't be as weird, you don't have to I was just wondering." I spoke fast and I couldn't believe what I just said! What if he says no? Oh god why did I do that?! I'm a moron! of course he doesn't want to stay why would he? He is a God! I'm a petty human! he will say no and then leave and we wont see each other again. I looked up to him and smiled but hating myself for being so stupid and asking.

"I'd appreciate that. Thank you." He stood up brushing him self off. I sighed with relief as the panic of him saying no faded. I stood up as well and stretched before making a start to my apartment and Loki followed.

"Why are you being this way towards me?" Loki eventually said after a long silence. I looked at him, "because I believe that people do bad things for a reason, now that I know your reason I want to help. I want to be your friend. I know it sounds ridiculous and you don't want me as a friend being a God and all but still" I smiled and he stopped. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"But I don't deserve it." he mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. My heart broke for him and I pushed my self into him. Wrapping my arms around him. He was tense at first but soon relaxed into the hug, my head was pushed into his chest. "Don't say that." I looked up to his face still in his arms, " you do deserve it." I pulled away from him and stared at him.

"Say that again and I will rip your throat out!" I threatened. Loki looked genuinely scared. "I wont, I'm sorry." he apologized. I laughed at how timid he had become. "Wow! who'd think that I would manage to threaten the God Of Mischief and Lies?!" He scoffed and continued to walk next to me. "You wish!" He smirked and I glared at him but he knew I wasn't serious. It wasn't long after that when we reached my apartment.

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now