Why do I trust him so much?

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Chapter 8;

*Phoebe's Point Of View*

I woke up early as usual, stretching my arms over my head sighing. I could never sleep in, I don't know why I just could'nt. I also found it hard to go back to sleep if it was light outside even if it's early morning...

I'm weired like that.

I stood up, stretching out the rest of my body as I lazily pulled on some fresh clothes. Nothing special, Just Black ripped Jeans and My supernatural Hoody, It was my favorite, It said "Saving People, Hunting Things, The Family Buisness" Written across the back with a small Devils Trap on the pockets. I think I wore it whenever i was having a simple day with no special plans.

I left my room quietly so that I wouldnt wake Loki, Taking my phone with me and grabbing my headphones off the side. I paused outside Loki's room Pushing my head to the door to see if he was awake.

Maybe I should look in, To make sure he is alright.

I told myself but I knew I was looking for an excuse to look at him. Sounds weired but he just looked so... Ugh it's hard to explain. I carefulled pushed the door open and poked my head nosily round the door. My mouth opened slightly as I saw a shirtless Loki laying on the bed, his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, lost in sleep. His body was pale and he was very thin compared to his brother, Thor. His Black hair was still slicked back behind his head only now it didnt look so evil.

I half heartedly pulled my gaze away from his bare chest, Shaking my head and breathing deeply before leaving his room. If he had woken up and saw me staring, I think he would be a little more than weirded out.

I walked away, pushing my thoughts about Loki deep down. They were thoughts that I deffinately should not be having. Especially not about Loki, The God Of Mischief And Lies!

I paced towards the kitchen and slowly turned to the window. It was still dark out and the sun had not yet risen, It was around five in the morning so I would most probably have a few hours by myself.

I pushed myself towards the window seat in the corner of the room. It was hidden from the room behind a single wall that I had built so that it was really isolated. It was my place to go to for peace of mind.

I sat there, looking out of the window on the seat attatched to the ledge. I gazed out onto the dark sky and the lights of the City that were slowly appearing in odd places everywhere. I plugged in my headphones and went off into my own little world of thoughts with A Day To Remember playing quietly into my ears. I leaned against the wall and sighed heavily.

What am I doing? I have told Loki things that not even my bestest of friends know. Why the heck am I trusting him? I'm so stupid! He will leave the first chance he gets. I'm sure he hates me anyway. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard a short intake of breath behind me, I turned around to see Loki stood behind me sheepishly. I wondered for a second.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, worried about what had gotten into him. I sat up and crossed my legs as he stood awkwardly infont of me.

"I dont hate you." He began saying in a voice barely louder than a whisper. "I don't want to leave you. I won't leave you, unless you want me to. I know it was wrong of me but I wondered what you were thinking as you were staring and I heard you think that you shouldnt trust me and that I will leave as soon as I can." His eyes looked slightly watered and I could tell he was biting back tears as he continued. "I am not trustworthy I admit but I will not lie to you. You have done so much which I appreciate greatly! You accepted me, my past included and that is something no one has ever done before. I'm sorry." His voice cracked and he looked down before turning to walk away.

I never meant for him to hear that. He thinks I dont trust him but the thing is that I do trust him and I have no idea why. It scares me to think that I would put so much faith into a man- Scratch that- a God I just met. I wiped away a rebellious tear and ran towards loki. I forcfully turned him around and wrapped my arms around him. I tightened my grip and buried my face into his chest, tears spilling out.

"I do trust you Loki, honestly I do! and I have no idea why! I dont want you to leave." my voice was muffeled but he heard. I felt relief wash over him and he hugged me tightly. We laughed for no reason and just smiled in the moment, hugging.

We pulled apart and I laughed again.

"Totally lost my cool for a second there..." I said wiping away the leftover tears around my eyes. Loki laughed before his innocent grin turned into a smirk.

"You know, you shouldnt watch me when I'm sleeping, it's sort of strange." His smirk tightened on his lips and I hit his arm playfully, blushing as I did so. I turned around and quickly ran to the kitchen.

"I was merely checking if one was awake. I didnt want to disturb you" I said loudly. Total Lie. He chuckled at my childish act and left to enter the shower. I sighed and fell to the floor in the kitchen, sliding my back down the wall as I did so.

So he reads minds too?

Falling For A Midgardian / Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now