Chapter 17;

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*Loki's Point Of View.*

I had been sat in this window seat for what seemed like hours. I was watching Midgardians going about their daily lives- already oblivious to the destruction I had caused them. I expect that as soon as my identity and location is revealed, they'll come for me. Nick Fury and The Avengers I mean. I didn't mind. I know I had it coming. But, by then, I'm sure I'll have figured out the curse that's rendered me stuck here, in this realm, and I will have returned to Asgard.

I heard a faint sound coming from the door. I looked over, and as expected, Phoebe walked in. She looked tired, worn, and worried. I could tell something was wrong and me, trying to be polite, called out, "What's wrong?" as she threw her bag away from her and took off her shoes, kicking them into the corner of the room by the door. She didn't say anything to me, I wasn't sure if she was ignoring me or just couldn't hear.

"What's wrong, Midgardian?" I repeated. That would work. She hates me calling her a Midgardian as she finds it disrespectful. I don't see how though. She turned to look at me, opening her mouth, but but she changed her mind and shook her head slightly. "Nothing." She concluded. I could tell she was lying, and it wasn't just because she didn't retaliate to me calling her a Midgardian. Which in truth, she is. It's just like me being called Asgardian- Which is slightly false considering my blood is that of Jotunheim. But that's just details.

Phoebe left and went to the kitchen, without saying anything else. I didn't like this side of her. In the short time I've known her she's always been happy, or cheerful or would've at least asked me about my day. To see her like this, almost scared, had an similar effect on me. It made me feel scared and worried. I left my seat by the window and made my way to the kitchen. Phoebe must not of heard me because as she turned she seemed startled to find me stood behind her. I took her hands in mine and gently kissed her knuckles. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, and I didn't intend to do this. It kind of happened before I realised I was doing it. Maybe some Sub-consious part of my brain telling me that I wanted to...

I lowered our hands, though not letting them go, my thumb gently stroking the back of Phoebe's hands. "Tell me what is bothering you." I asked, trying to be as caring as possible. I owed Phoebe my life, I couldn't treat her how I do with others.

"They know you're here." She spoke quietly. Barely audiable, but I heard..

"Who's they? and How come they haven't come for me?' I asked. Truthfully, I had a growing knot, twisting in my stomach- but I'd never admit that aloud. I felt my body stiffen. Though I did the best to hide it from Phoebe, I know she could sense my worry.

"Nick Fury and The Avengers." She said. I expected this, in all honesty. I could tell Phoebe was panicking. "And they don't know you're here in my home exactly. Just that you're here- On Earth." She continued. I nodded, this calmed me completely. Of course they wouldn't know I was here, in Phoebe's home. Why would they? Now, all that was left was to calm Phoebe down.

I brought my lips to her ear and spoke softly, "I'll have to keep a low profile then." I began to slowly trace my lips down Phoebe's neck. I know I said I was trying to calm her down, but this isn't calming for her in anyway because I heard her breath hitch and could feel her heart pounding harder in her chest, at least she wasn't thinking about anyone finding me anymore.

"Thank you." I mumbled between kisses.

"For what?" She asked, I could tell it was working -what I was doing that is- Because she clearly found it hard to talk.

"Thank you for letting me stay here,with you. I'd have no one if it weren't for you." I said. I left one last kiss in the crook of her neck that I possibly lingered on- too caught in the moment- and then released my hands from hers and pulled myself away. I admit, I was smirking- but everyone loved my smirk. I left Phoebe and walked back to the window seat I was previously sat in.

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