Sam's Story

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"Please don't call the police."

I walked over and crouched next to him. He flinched away, but realized I meant no harm. "I'm not gonna lie, it hadn't crossed my mind." He looked up, a small, hopeful smile across his face. "But I mean, it would be a great idea." The tears slowly began to pour down his face again.

"No. Nonono please no. I can't... I can't go there." He whispered in between sobs.

"Do you... Do you have anywhere you could go?" I asked. Wow. I had just seen this kid murder someone - I'm guessing his father - and I'm asking if he has somewhere to go. Good job me.

He nodded silently and began to get up. I let him leave, however I couldn't help but feel a little intrigued at the situation. Something in me, probably the adrenaline, wanted to follow. Silently, I got up and followed his path. As I came to the turning, footsteps getting further away from me to my left. I follow them quietly, and see the boy running down the alleyway ahead of me, his shadow getting larger as he neared the lit-up street.

I followed him home, which took about 5 minutes. When I got there, only a small light was on in what seemed to be a hallway. I walked up the pathway and pushed the door. It was open, and I stepped inside. He crouched against the wall crying.

The house didn't seem too bad, however, upon closer inspection, there seemed to be dried blood on the walls and carpet, and shards of glass here and there.

"Is that... Yours?" I asked, pointing at the blood. The boy nodded, unfazed by the fact I was in his house. I looked at his face more closely. The cut on his forehead had scabbed over, and his eye had begun to swell and blacken. His lip was swollen as well and dried mud and tears covered his face, although, I wouldn't say he looked bad. Strangely vulnerable but in an almost charming way. "Look, I'm gonna get you sorted out, OK? Unless there's perhaps someone else, an older sibling, perhaps...?" He shook his head. "OK. Well, I'm gonna need you to show me around, and actually talk to me." I helped him up and stepped back. "First things first, I'm Jason." I held my hand out.

"I know." He whispered.

I paused. "How...?"

"I'm Sam."


"Y'know, the one always one his own. The geeky one. Bullied a lot. That's me."

"Sorry, I couldn't tell, what with your face beaten and bloody." I looked around again. The lounge, from what I could see, seemed fairly furnished, and wasn't very dirty, although I guessed it was Sam that cleaned it, and not his father. He began to take off his coat and gloves, as well as kicking his shoes off and pulling off his hat. Hanging them up, he gestured to me to do the same. He led me through the lounge and into another, smaller room.

"This is the kitchen." He cleared his throat. "Not much food, just so you know, although you'll probably never come back. Not many people seem to want to know me."

"I do." I piped up.

"You just saw me murder..." He paused, realizing what he had done. "...murder m-my father. I don't think you'll want to stick around for long."

"We'll see. Now, is there an upstairs to this place?" He nods, and leads me upstairs.

"Bathroom," he says, pushing open a door ahead of us, "my room," he points to a room on our left as we continue along the landing, "my uh, my dad's room," opening another door." I see a door up ahead, which was slightly open.

"What's this room?" I ask, walking up to it?

"Don't that's - " he says, but I open to door anyway. Inside seems to be a baby's room. I flick on the switch and look around. The walls are painted baby pink, and a small, white cot is against the far wall. A changing table is to my right, and next to it is a small dresser, which I guess is full of baby clothes. On the floor are various toys, ones that a one year old might play with. In the cot are a few plush toys, one of them is a Disney princess, Merida, if I remember correctly, as well as a few other animals. I look behind me and Sam is in the doorway. "This was Lily's room."

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