Drop the Blade

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"You just have to be there for him, not leave him, expecting something of him he can't do on his own."

It had been two weeks since I'd left Sam standing in shock. He and I didn't speak much, if at all. Claire was the only one close with him, and she was pissed at me for ignoring him. I spent most lunchtimes and breaks alone, although sometimes Damon and his mates - who I now knew were Matt and Liam, Matt being the taller one and Liam being the slightly more emo one - would find me and ask me to hang out with them.

I was making my way to the library when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a classroom.

"Oh this is... What?" I mumble. I feel the sting before I see the hand as Claire slaps my left cheek. "Ow." I rub the skin, which I'm sure has turned red.

"Why the fuck are you ignoring him?" She hisses.


"He's practically killing himself you asshole! Have you not seen him? He's just completely empty since you were an asshole to him."


"So? Jason, sort this shit out because that kid won't be here much longer, you dunce." She said, hitting my forehead with the base of her palm, knocking my head against the wall making a thud and causing a sharp pain.

"I don't know how." I whispered, after a minute of silence and letting the pain shrink to an ongoing throb.

"You just gotta be there. You gotta be there for him. He's on a program, but when he gets off it he's gonna go through hell for a few days, and you need to be there so he doesn't relapse again. And when he's having a bad time, or going through a bad patch, you don't fucking leave. Alright?" I nodded, and she left, leaving me alone in the classroom.

"Well then." I muttered to myself, leaving the room.


I went straight home that day. Maybe I wasn't ready to face Sam yet. I don't know. I doubt I could swallow the guilt of leaving him there in my in-the-moment rage.

I flopped down on my bed and let out a sigh. It had barely been a second when he entered my room.

"Knock knock."

"Damon get out unless you've something important to tell me."

"Guess who's got Claire's number?" He flaunted.

"Me. Now get out."

"Well, actually I do." He muttered.

"Wow, I never thought she'd lower her expectations that much. Actually, that's a lie. She and Troy had a thing, so you're an improvement, just a little."

"Gee, thanks. Anyway she keeps telling me to tell you to answer your phone. So answer your phone." And with that, he left. I got up and found my phone in my school bag, with 11 missed calls from Claire and 2 from and unknown number. I mentally groaned and slowly dialled her number, hoping she wouldn't pick up.

"JASON WILLIAM JAMESON, WHEN I CALL, YOU FUCKING PICK UP, ALRIGHT?" She yelled down the line. I had to hold the phone away from my ear so I didn't go deaf.

"Alright." I huffed.

"Sam tells me you aren't with him. Why not?"

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