Beat Up... Again?

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Claire violently stabbed the carrot on her plate as I glared at her. The tension was almost visible and I heard Sam clear his throat awkwardly.

"Claire either you have something against carrots or you're really pissed about something." He spoke up eventually, noticing the hanging silence.

"Maybe you should ask Jason." She hissed, and threw a look that could kill at me.

"Well you shouldn't have over stayed your welcome." I sneered, my voice slowly raising in volume.

"It wasn't your place to say."

"You were in my house." I returned.

"I wasn't your guest!" She cried. Sam looked to me and back her, eyes wide in bewilderment.

"Why were you at his house if you weren't his guest?" He asked quietly, trying to quieten us both.

"Yeah, Claire, why were you at my house?" I stared blankly.

"Probably because Damon invited me. Or am I not allowed to talk to him because he's your brother?"

"Maybe you should both calm down." Sam suggested.

"Yeah Jason. Don't get your panties in a twist."

"Sorry I didn't want my brother going out with you!" I huffed.

"Oh, so I'm not good enough for him?" She asked, offended. "You know what, don't bother answering that. I'm going to talk to someone that cares about me!" She cried, standing up and leaving. I watched her leave and didn't bother to follow her.

"You fucked up." My boyfriend sighed as the door into the building closed behind the girl.

"So did she."

"You shouldn't have snapped like that. What you said did make it sound like she wasn't good enough though." He reasoned.

"I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It's just weird to think of him and her."

"It's probably weird for your mum to think of me and you but she doesn't snap at you." He pointed out. "It's probably weird for Sean to think of him and Luke but he doesn't snap at him." Sam added. I chuckled, remembering the two of Jim's friends at the funeral.

"Do you think they'll ever get together?"

"I hope so."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the others had bets on it at this point. You could see the way Luke looked at him wasn't just platonic." He chuckled in agreement. I felt my phone buzz and I checked the notification.

Damon: What the fuck did you say to my girlfriend?!

Sent: I don't know I was talking to Claire.

Unless... No. Although, it'd make sense after what happened.

"Ew." I thought aloud.


"Damon and Claire are... Together." I whispered dramatically.

"Really? That's cute." He smiled at my wide-eyed expression.

"But... It's my brother! And our friend! It's just...weird," I cried, waving my hands around dramatically as I cringed at the thought of Claire and Damon... together.

"No, it's not. It's adorable. I can totally see them together."

"I can't." I frowned.

"I think it's more a matter that you don't want to rather than you can't."

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