No Canoodling; Pt 2

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"Wh- Why d- does your brother have c-condoms?"

"No idea. He's probably been as 'active' as a turd his whole life." I chuckled, placing the box on my desk. It's not like they would be needed for a long time. I heard the sheets rustle as Sam lay back down, continuing his quest to find a good film on Netflix. "Can't find one?"

"It's like the time you asked what my favorite book was." He groaned, pouting. I smiled and sat next to him.

"What about..." I began, scrolling through a list of comedies, "this one?" I selected the film and let him read the info.

"21 Jump Street?"

"Yeah. With Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. It's about these cops who go undercover at a school. Trust me, it's amazing."

"Channing who?"

"Channing Tatum. American actor, fit, was in White House Down..." His face was blank. I opened Google on my phone and searched up the well-known, or so I thought, actor. I showed Sam the results, letting him scroll the long list of films he'd been in. "Oh, I think I saw him on a movie poster once." He murmured, while looking at images of the man. I felt sorry for him. He hadn't really had a childhood, and missed out on all these great films. "What else?" He asked, turning back to my laptop.


"Is it good?"

"Sam. It's Marvel. It isn't just 'good', it's bloody amazing."

"Um..." He scrolled through, selecting random genres. "The Notebook?"

"Eh. Guy gets the girl. Same old, same old."

"What about The Fault In Our Stars?"

"Never heard of it."

"I read the book. It's amazing. You'll love it." He claims. I don't trust him, however let him play the movie. As it loads, I offer him a change of clothes. He obliges, and chooses a pair of black jeans and a Royal Blood hoodie, which appears even bigger than it is on his short body. He lays close next to me, and I let the film play.

The first few minutes weren't too bad, but after a while I get suspicious and decided to see if Claire knew anything.

Sent: Have you watched The Fault In Our Stars??

My phone buzzed in reply almost immediately.

Claire: OMG yas love that film

Claire: I mean... maybe, why?

Sent: Sam wanted to watch it but I don't trust him.

Claire: Haha you're in for a treat

Sent: Claire

Sent: Explain

Claire: Haha


Sent: I swear I'll kill you.

There was no reply. I was more than worried about what this damn film is about.


Throughout the film, which turned out to be some Teen Romance thing, I often found myself glancing at Sam, who was engrossed in the film the whole way through.


The credits rolled and I stared at the screen. A single tear made its way down my cheek, following a much used trail left behind by it's predecessors throughout the last few minutes of the film.

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