Old Habits, New Rumors

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"Jason. We need to talk."

Oh shit. I slowly walked to the kitchen, hearing Damon sniggering in his room. I saw Dad standing against the counter, looking at a piece of paper with a serious look on this face.

"What's this?" He asked, showing me the paper. I went up to him and took it from him. My eyes scanned through the text, taking in the information.

"Troy got beat up... Blah blah blah... Blaming it on me... Blah blah... Several fractured bones? Wow. Haha." Sam really laid into this guy.

"Care to explain?"

"What? Troy got beat up and he's blaming it on me. Nothing to explain."

"Jason they're talking of suspending you for this. I need to know why you did it."

"Troy's been spouting some shit, alright? Half of this," I waved the letter, "is bullshit." I sighed. "Look, Troy was the one that put me in hospital. I went into school a couple days later and heard he'd been talking shit to Sam. Sam was the one that did all that to him. Good job he did of it, as well."

"So you didn't do this?"

"Well I... I didn't. But - "

"But what?"

"Forget it. Just say it was me." I lied, and walked off, dropping the piece of paper on the floor on my way out. I sat in my chair at my desk, and pulled out some maths homework. I was half an hour into doing it when someone knocked at my door.

"Knock knock."

"Piss off, Damon." I heard him enter anyway and sit down on my bed. I turned to face him. "What now?" He was smiling stupidly. "Oh god, you look like a love-sick puppy." He nodded. "Oh god no. Is it Claire?" He nodded again.

"She's just so funny." He spoke.


"And pretty."


"And amazing."

"And so not into you."

"How dare you. You can't deny the love I feel for her."

"Damon, you've know her for what? Ten minutes? You probably just like her because of her ass."

"Well, I mean-"

"Look, just get out. Go dream about her in your own room." He slid off my bed and left, leaving me to complete my damn homework.

An hour later, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took out my phone to check the new notification.

Unknown: Jason? It's Jim. Look, something's up with Sam. I need you to come over.

Sent: Jim? What happened?

Jim: Look, just get here as fast as possible.

I jumped out of my seat, grabbing my keys and phone. I ran down the stairs, and shoved my shoes on.

"OFF OUT!" I hollered to my parents, before throwing open the door and slamming it behind me. I almost fell off my bike I was in that much of a hurry. I pulled off, speeding to get to Sam's house. When I arrived, the door was open and I ran in. Sam was leaning against the wall. His skin was flushed and he was itching his arms.

"Thank god, you're here." Jim sighed.

"What happened?" I asked. I held Sam's face in my hand and looked him over. He was sweating slightly, and he seemed distant. His breathing was slow and I could see his pupils were dilated. "Sam? Sam can you here me?" I spoke loudly.

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