Thornes and McKinley

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Sam sits down next to me on the couch as I turn on the television. He leans back and sighs.

"It's good to relax from time to time." He says as he sends me an exhausted smile. "These past few weeks have just been too tiring."

"I know exactly what you mean." I zap past some channels, until I find something that looks amusing. Sadly, I find nothing. That is, until I see a commercial that looks familiar. I recognize it. It's from a show called 'Unsolved Crimes'.

"Watch tonight, as our brave journalist, Maxwell Thornes, travels to the heart of a quiet town, to investigate a very recent murder. He, of course, is aided by his companion, Detective Patrick McKinley. Can they solve the murder of John Valentino? You will see it tonight!"

I feel all the blood rushing from my cheeks, as I look at Sam, who is extremely pale.

"T-th-that... th-they... how?" He mumbles. "Th-the house they showed... that's m-my house..." I have no idea what to say. This might be it. I've been watching 'Unsolved Crimes' for three seasons now. Not once did they fail to catch the perpetrator. Patrick McKinley is some sort of Sherlock Holmes. And Maxwell Thornes could get anything he wants to happen. Anything. This would get nasty. But the only thing I'd need to do is keep Sam away from there. That would only make things worse.

"I'm going to go there." Sam says, and I feel like I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown. "They are probably assaulting uncle Jim with questions as we speak. I need to go there."

"You can't!" I cast. "If McKinley even gets as much as a whiff of you, jail might be where you're going." Sam shakes his head.

"We both know that's impossible. And even if it were true, I'd still have to go there. I don't want them to find out what happened." He stands up and runs at the door, after which he jumps on my bike and rides away. Damnit, why my bike. I run after him, all the way to his house.


I find him standing on the street corner, close to his house. I see about a dozen people walking in and out of the house with cameras and microphones. They must be filming already.

Sam is standing there, with his hands balled to fists.

"Those bastards. Rummaging around in other people's property, looking into something that doesn't concern them."


"Shut up! I'm going to confront this McWanker and I'm going to tell him to screw off." I've never seen Sam this way. His face is red, and he looks like he might kill someone if they piss him off too much. And another murder is not what we need right now.

Sam walks towards the people walking in and out of the house. A man sees it and raises his hand.

"Sir, you are not allowed to come close to the shooting area." He says.

"Why the hell am I not allowed to enter my own house?" Sam casts at the man, who looks back at him, flustered.

"Oh... well... go in then." He says.

Sam pushes him to the side and runs towards the front door, and I follow him. As we get inside, we run to the living room, where Jim is talking to two men. I recognize them as Maxwell Thornes and Patrick McKinley.

Thornes is wearing suit jacket and yellow sneakers. Why yellow? He has curly blonde hair and the eyes and smile of a lawyer. He is holding a pencil and paper in his hands, while writing things down.

McKinley is a tall, slim man. He is wearing a long green coat, and shiny black shoes. He also is wearing a long purple scarf. His hair is curly and dark grey. His eyes are zipping around the room at high speed, while he is seemingly talking to himself, as his mouth is moving faster than I've ever seen anyone talking. When Sam and I enter, both Thornes and McKinley turn to us.

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