Part 3

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He always dreaded this! Confrontation, small talk, conversation! As a child, all these words had haunted him. He don't know how to converse with people. When someone had thanked him, he was too slow to response. When someone had asked him a query, he would just stare at them. When someone had complimented him, he had stammered. When someone initiated the conversation, he had just blinked his eyelids at them. And all these reaction had scurried away people from him, leaving him hurt.

And so he had decided to be ahead of all. He had preferred being alone, away from all. When you can't coexist with people, then be at the top. Where noone can reach you. Where everyone has to look up at you with envy shining in their eyes. Where noone dares to label you as - fool, strange. So he had topped every year of school and college, being the hot topic of discussion. But never being a part of that discussion. After his studies, he had joined his Father's business  and then slowly slowly had raced ahead of all. Sustaining his top position again. And it had suited him well. He had enjoyed it.

But what now? All his degrees and money he had gathered by being at the top seems useless to his wife as now she wants to leave him. He wants to ask her why she wants to leave him. But then he knows that question will open the pandora's box. If she wants to discuss business, he can do it all day and night without break. But here his marriage is at the target, not his business. He will need to discuss their marriage. So from where should he start? And how to continue it? Such personal talks he is unable to carry. These is one department where he is a big fat zero. Where he is unable to formulate his plan, phrase his next words, make his next move, and win at last.

So what is he supposed to do now? Trun back and leave, giving her what she wants? And being labeled a failure? Live his life without her? Coming back daily to his empty house? Not being allowed to make love to her? Going to sleep alone without her warm body coiled around him? No!! Panic burst inside him making his heart speed. He will do it. He will face it. He wont give her up without a fight, and fight he will.

And so he lifted his hand and pushed the door of his room.

And there she was. With a book in her hand, some loosened curls from her knot fanning her alabaster cheeks. Looking as beautiful as ever. Her innocent beauty always surprises him. Mesmerizes him. Had he ever told her how beautiful she looks? That question stirred something inside him - something he can't name. From the moment he had married her, he had given her everything she had asked for. Provided her with all the luxury. He thought that was enough to show her how much he likes having her by his side. How much he enjoys her company. But if its enough why is she leaving him? Does she wants some thing else? And those things are so important to her that she is ready to leave him?

He closed his eyes and tried to gather his thoughts. He just needs to ask her what she wants and give her exactly that. And then everything will be solved. He will have his wife beside him forever and she will have what she wants. Opening his eyes, he walked towards her.

"Khushi..?" He called. His voice seems to startle her as she dropped the book with a small yelp. "I am sorry..." he breathed.

Khushi just stared at him. When was the last time he had called her name? Well he does call her name when he makes love to her. But they hadn't made love in a week. And in other times she is treated no better than one of the furniture in his house. And did he just apologised to her? Has she ever heard him apologise to anyone? Nope! Never.

"Are you listening to me, Khushi?"

And still she just stared at him. Second time in a very day!

He came to her and shook her by her shoulder. "Khushi?"


"Thank God" He breathed and sat down bedside her. " Khushi, I... I want to to you.

Well this is a day of surprises. Arnav Singh Raizada just stammered!

"Khushi, I can't give you divorce. Just tell me what you want from me and I will give you that. But don't ask for divorce. I won't give you that"

Trust him to go all business-like in a jiffy. Take that, and give me that! She gritted her teeth. This is what she don't want. She is his wife, not some project of his. But inspite of her a hope fluttered inside her. If he is ready to do, as he puts it, 'give', anything to save their marriage, then maybe there is still a hope. Hope is what she needs to win these battle. Taking a deep breathe, she lifted her eyes to look into his. His deep blue eyes. His...she shook her head and concentrated on her thoughts. This is not the time to lose herself in his eyes. She had done this before and this is where it brought her. She needs to focus. Focus!

"I.." she cleared her throat and continued. .." I need ... you ... your time ... your... your love? ... I want to be treated like a wife. ...not some client.." she stopped and looked up at him. "These is what I want if you are not ready for the divorce." She completed, still her eyes on him..who looked like she had asked him an impossible. He heart sank.

"What do you mean by you want to be treated like a wife? You are my wife... and love? Time? We agreed that... "

"Then sue me... but this is what I want now"

"You can't go back on your words!" His voice rising a decibel or two.

"As I said ...sue me!" She shouted back and flopped on the bed, giving her back to him.

He gritted his teeth. Why was he dreading facing her? This is no conversation. This is argument! And argument he can carry very well!

"You just can't!"

"I can and I will! Else divorce me." She closed her eyes, tried to calm her thudding heart and prayed.

Arnav seethed with anger. Love? She wants love? How to give her something he has no idea of. Hadn't he told her he can't give her that? How dare she go back on her words? But if he doesn't comply with her she will leave him! Damn it all! And time? He can think on that..

"I .." calming down his voice, he continued. " I ... I mean we can start with time... "

A tear slipped from her eyes and she thanked God. Atleast he is ready to give an inch. She will make full use of it. Her love is worth fighting for. Especially now when there is going to be a new addition in their life.


She wiped the tear and looked back at him. " Yes, we can start with spending more time together...and work on love.." she sat up again and smiled at him. " Deal?"

He took a fluttering strand and tucked it behind her ears. Yes! They can make it work. "Deal" 

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