Part 12

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Arnav saw Khushi coming out of the bathroom in a white summer maternity dress they had shopped together, and his heart jumped to his throat. Her beauty never fails to amaze him. It's not like he hasn't seen more beautiful girls, but she is different. He doesn't know what's so different about her, but it's there, he can feel it. He feels it when he looks into her beautiful eyes. Her breathtaking smile always has the power to reach the deep recesses of his heart and make him feel emotions he is alien to. The same smile which is missing these days. Swallowing the lump that that thought brought, he walked towards her.


Khushi looked at her husband, who stood in front of her, wearing a white shirt and khakhee pants, looking as handsome as ever. No matter what, he can always make her heartbeat accelerate. He just has to look at her with desire burning in his eyes, and she can't help but melt at his feet. With his hands and his mouth, he can take her to the height of ecstasy, a place where her mind just stops working. Then she is just capable of feeling what he makes her feel. No matter how much she tries to take the reign in her hand, it just always slips out of her hand. This man standing in front of her has that kind of power over her. Doesn't she have the same power over him? A sudden pain rose in her chest at that thought. No, she certainly doesn't.

"You look beautiful..." Arnav lifted her hand to his lips. " beautiful ..." as if hypnotized by her beauty, he dipped his head and touched his lips with hers. Little hesitant, not knowing how she will react, he remained still, just feeling her soft lips. But the desire burning inside him poured out as he felt her soft hands circling his neck. He took possession of her mouth, tasting every corner of mouth. He groaned. God, she is so sweet! His hand touched her sensitive breast, making her moan in his mouth, which nearly undone him. He is so glad that no matter what, they connect so well physically. And that thought worked like a bucket of cold water on his desire. He pulled back, looking in her passion filled eyes.

Khushi trembled, feeling hurt. She lifted her eyes to look into his only to get her breath knocked out of her. His eyes were shining with adoration. Was that for her? It can't be. He cupped her face between his palms and smiled. Arnav Singh Raizada smiled at her, a smile which made her heart melt all over again. What was he trying to do to her today?

"This has always been easy between us, right? We just have to reach each other to melt in each other's arms. What about we explore other aspects? Go out, spend time with each other without trying to devour each other..." he chuckled... "talk with each other... explore the island...have some fun together...." He suggested. He has no idea how else to make her believe in him. He wants her to know he doesn't only need her physically. His need for her is beyond that. He needs her beside him to keep his sanity intact. He needs her to assure his heart that everything is right in his world. He need her simply to just keep going. He isn't sure if he can anymore without her. And he doesn't want to try it either.

Khushi looked into his eyes. Something has changed there. She can't pin point what, but it has. She can see it in his eyes. Spend time together? Have fun? And all these coming out of Arnav Singh Raizada's mouth? She couldn't have believed this if she wasn't here standing in front of him, at the receiving at. She doesn't want to hope, but despite of her, her heart fluttered with hope. She squashed it immediately. No! She has burned her fingers too many times to hope for things to change for better. This is all because of the baby. Yes. That's the only possible reason.

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