Part 8

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"I am going to see my wife, and you cannot stop me!" A pair of ragging eyes looked into another which held the same emotion.

"At this very moment I could kill you! I trusted you Arnav, I trusted you with by baby sister. You not only broke my trust, you also broke Khushi's heart. For that I can never forgive you.."

Trying to control his anger, Arnav ran his fingers in his thick hair. Not sure at whom he was more angry. At himself for landing them all in this situation, or at Shyam for not allowing him to meet his wife. He was right - he has broken his trust, and along with that, Khushi's heart. But if given a chance, he can prove himself worthy of their trust again. If Khushi forgives him this one time and gives him one last chance, he will do anything in his power to win his wife back.

But for that he needs to meet her. Which the man standing in front of him was not allowing.

"Shyam, please... Let me see her ... I need to explain her..."

"What? What can explain the fact that you found her unconscious on the road, Arnav?"

Arnav closed his eyes at the building anger and helplessness. He isn't interested in discussing this with his friend, he want to see his wife. Talk to her, make her understand, beg for her forgiveness, and a last chance. He needs to see her.

"Shyam, for the last time, let me see her. I am her husband, damn it! I want to see her.

"So you remember you are her husband .. Finally..."

Arnav gritted his teeth at his friend's mocking tone. "Enough is enough, Shyam..."

"No, Arnav ...It's the other way around .. She had had enough of you... enough of you neglecting her, enough of you putting your business above her, enough of you being so tangled in your past that you can't see how much she loves you ... only you, nothing else... All she needs is your time, your love ... and you are doing the same mistake again ... At least this time your dereliction didn't drove someone into someone else's arms..." as soon as those words left his mouth, Arnav's hand reached his throat.

"That. Wasn't. My. Fault." He punctuated his every word. The heartbreak and anger of the past consuming him at once.

Shyam smiled. "Believe what you want, that isn't going to change the truth. And now you have done the same mistake again...Only this time..." The punch that landed on his nose forced him to stop mid sentence, and see stars. He staggered back.

Gritting his teeth, he swung himself back and returned the favor. "You bastard! You are not going near my sister. Ever!"

"That's not your decision to make!!"

"She made her decision already!!"

"What is going on here, gentlemen? This is a hospital. We would appreciate if you both keep it down, else we will be forced to call the security.... " The nurse said. She was about to go and check the patient when she saw these two people fighting. "I hope you both will cooperate " Saying that she turned to enter the room.

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