Part 9

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He felt betrayed. Theone person he trusted hadn't had in her to hurt him, to betray him, has justdone it. Anger surged in his veins. How can she? How can she do this to him? Hetrusted her, more than anyone. And she lied to him, kept him in dark all theselong?

He deserves to know about his baby only when he lays his heart bare in front ofher? He deserves a family only when he proves that he is worthy of it? And whois she to decide whether he deserves a family or not? Just because he keeps hisheart guarded means he isn't capable of loving his own baby? How can she thinkhe will not love his own baby? Won't care about him or her?

Since she had threatened to divorce him, he had done everything in his limit tomake her stay, to give him a chance. And still she hadn't told him about hisown baby. He had talked to her, started giving her more of his time, taken heron a business trip with him, been more vocal about liking her, needing her inhis life. What else should he do to make her believe that he deserves to be herhusband, deserves to be a Father?

Father! A baby! Something stirred inside him, making his breath stop. He isgoing to be a Father. A little life - half him, half Khushi, is growing insideKhushi. Soon it will be here, flesh and blood, depending on his parents to takecare of him, love him. He will need his Mother and Father. But instead he willget a Mother who thinks his Father doesn't deserves him. Doesn't trust hisFather to love him, care about him. And his baby will grow up believing that.

Hot anger, for his wife, meddled his mind. His whole body trembled with rage,crushing the glass of whisky in his hand, leaving several bruises in his hand.Like hell he will allow her to do that! No matter what she thinks of him, hedeserves to know about his baby. He is capable of loving and caring for hisbaby! And he will make her understand that.

Getting up from the stool, he strode out of the bar.

The street was empty, and he struggled to remember where he had parked his car.The whisky was robbing him off his rational thinking. He just stood onthe sidewalk, looking from right to left, not sure what to do next. Hewas in such fury when he left the hospital that he don't remember much betweenthen and now. Clueless what to do, he started walking.

He wandered aimlessly through the empty street for hours. His mind empty, nolonger able to process anything.

And that's when he heard that noise.

"Mark!! Mark!! Mark!!"

Arnav stopped in his track and looked back.

A man and woman where frantically shouting 'Mark' and looking around them, asif searching for someone named 'Mark'.

Arnav stood there, looking at them. There was something about them that....pierced his heart. The anguished look on their faces did something to him.

"Excuse me Sir ... Have you... you have seen a three year old boy?"The man asked, breathless from hours of running around.

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