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"Calm down, Arnav. What are you so worried about?" Khushi asked as she saw her husband thumping his feet in restlessness.

"Nothing. It's just a meeting. Why will I be worried about anything?" Arnav replied.

Khushi narrowed her eyes at him. " That's what I am asking. It's just a meeting. Why should that worry you?"

Arnav threw a glare at his wife, sitting there, looking all pretty in a white sundress. His glare did nothing to his wife. Instead, he heard her giggle.

"Seriously Arnav. Someone would think you are a teenage boy, meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time."

Arnav didn't bother to reply. She was having too much fun at his expense. She would pay for this later. But for now , he would let it slide.

"Arnav! My baby!!"

The shrill cry made both , Arnav and Khushi, to immediately look up.

"Oh my God! It's been sooo long. I missed you so much!" , saying that , the elderly woman, decked in a cream blouse and a royal blue skirt , and  make up that was trying it's best to hide her wrinkles , she went and pulled Arnav in a big hug.

Arnav sighed. Khushi would understand now why he was worried about meeting his Mom. His Mom did nothing in small measures. She may not care for the person standing in front of her , but if she puts her mind to it, she can make the person feel like he or she means the world to him. And that's what she was doing right now. Though he is being too harsh on her. It's not like she doesn't care for him. She does. She tries her best to keep tab on him from afar, wanting to know how he is doing. That's her way of showing care and love for her only Son. Some might say that's strange, but knowing his Mom the way he does, he knows the person has to mean something to her to do that.

"Oh my God! Just look at you! My baby is a Father now!"

Arnav smiled. Yes. And that was the reason they were meeting today. Once his Mom has known he has become a Father, she had called him, letting him know her desire to meet her grandchild. Usually she hates things that makes her aware of her age, but surprisingly her happiness at becoming a grandmom seemed genuine.

So here they were , welcoming his mother in their home.

"Where's is my grandchild?", She asked loudly. " I just can't wait to see her."

Khushi, who till now was standing little away, just watching her husband and his mother, suddenly came forward.

"Oh ..Hi. ..I mean ...." , She bent down to touch her mother-in-law's feet. "Namaste", standing straight she joined her hands at her mother-in-law.

Kavita Raizada stared at his daughter-in-law for a long time, before pulling her in a hug.

"Sooo beautiful..Just like her mother-in-law."

Khushi blushed.

"I hope you didn't have any problem coming here, please have a seat. I will ask the maid to..."

"No no no! I will have nothing. I follow a strict diet, and it's not yet the time to have anything. When I will need anything, I will let you know. "

"Oh Ok. .then I will just..."

"Yes , please just bring my granddaughter to me." Kavita Raizada completed before Khushi can.

"Yes , I will just ..." , saying that she walked out of the room.

Arnav sat with his Mother for sometime, before he saw Khushi  walking in with their precious bundle in her arms. His heart swell with all the love and pride in the world. His daughter had entered their life two months back, all red and screaming. It was love a first sight. Her tiny fingers had grabbed his heart immediately. His world was already good with the presence of Khushi and her love , but the arrival of his daughter had made it even more better. He don't know how something like that is possible, but it has. He can feel it.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! She is finally here." Kavita Raizada exclaimed and took the baby in her arms. "She is so beautiful! My my just look at her eyes. It's just like me!"

Khushi chuckled and sat beside them. "It is. She has Arnav's eyes, which he got from you." She looked at Arnav and patted the place beside her.

Arnav went and sat beside his wife.

"Yes. Look at her cute little mouth. It's been so long I held a baby in my arms."

Khushi smiled as her mother-in-law showered her baby with kisses, leaving lipstick marks all over her chubby face.

Arnav looked at his mother smothering his daughter with kisses and his heart filled with pride. His mother never had problems  expressing any emotions, whether fake or real. But today what he was seeing in front of him was real. She is genuinely happy to have a granddaughter. A granddaughter who resembles her eyes. He smiled and held his wife's hand. She has made this possible. She had filled his life with happiness he never knew was missing from his life. He has no idea what he has done to deserve her in his life , but he will be damned before he ever gives her a reason to leave him again.

He brought her hand to his lips and dropped a kiss at the back of her hand. "Never", he whispered.

"What?" Khushi looked at her husband, confused.

"Never letting you go."

Khushi leaned in to drop a kiss on his cheek. "I know."

Hello everyone! Here's the epilogue(finally!). And with his the story comes to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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