Part 15

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Arnav shook hands with other gentleman in the meeting room. And as they left the room one by one , he started stuffing all the papers in his laptop bag in earnest. The meeting had gone for 4 long hours , and they had gone without any break. He knew it wasn't very hospitable, but he was beyond caring about that. He needs to go back to his wife as soon as possible, and that's the only thing that matters.

As he strode out of the room , a small smile graced his lips. He was in love with his wife. The realization paralyzed him. He stood still for a moment, immobile. He loves Khushi. Yes, he loves her. And accepting it wasn't as frightening as he had thought. This was his Khushi. He can trust her with his heart, without any fear. And he suddenly realized that he doesn't need any promise to make Khushi and their baby a priority. Work can wait , deals can wait. But what can't wait is , being with his family. He wants to spend every possible moment with his wife. See her smile when he does something for her. Take her on vacations and see her face lit up whenever she sees something wonderful. Take long walks with her, listen to her as she talks about the baby. See her biting her lips as she tries one dress after the other, deciding in which one she will looks "less fat". Arnav chuckled.

He got inside the car and asked to driver to take him to the helicopter waiting for him. As the car drove toward its destination, his mind took him back to the time he had first met Khushi. She was just 16 when they had first met. He still remember the look it her eyes. It had scared him. She had looked at him as if she will die if he doesn't return her affection. He had always been considerate towards her, thinking her feelings will abate as the years pass. But the complete opposite had happened. Every time he met her, he saw her feelings growing deeper and deeper. And at last he had married her for all the wrong reasons. But she had married him for all the right reasons , with her heart full of hope. Hope that one day he would return her feeling. But in the process of not wanting to depend too much on her, not wanting to show her how much her presence means to him, he had crushed her hope. When she had asked him to leave her , it had felt like someone had reached his heart and was trying to wrench it away from his body. That day he had realized the depth of his feeling for her, and it was too deep to live without her. He was still scared to give that feeling a name. But not anymore. Khushi has given her trust to him, and in return he is ready to give his heart to her.

"Sir, we are here." , the driver said.

Arnav nodded and got out of the car. A loud thunder halted his step as soon as his feet touched the ground. He saw his secretary running towards him.

"Sir! Weather is not very good, I would advise to not travel in this weather."

Arnav looked at his secretary for few seconds before asking him, " You are telling me this just as a precaution or will I be risking my life if I travel in this weather?"

"It's just a precaution Sir .... But.."

"I will go then...if the pilot is ready .." , Arnav said.

His secretary nodded and stepped aside.

Khushi wrung her fingers as her eyes kept darting towards the digital clock. He was supposed to be here an hour before , and she was trying her best to not entertain any negative thoughts. He hadn't wanted to go there in the first place. And meetings run late. She had seen it happening with her brother. Being late by an hour or two isn't a great deal. He will be here soon. As he had promised. She kept repeating those thoughts , with a forced smile on her lips.

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