Part 6

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Khushi smiled as hecame on top of her and hugged her.

"Arnav, you are crushing me.."

"Hmm..." came his dozy reply.

She chuckled. His weight was not bothering her at all, she was just in a happymood. She held him tightly, and kissed his bare shoulder. She wanted the momentto freeze. Or better, she never wants to leave this place. She wanted to stayin Paris. After coming here, it was like she was living a dream. She don't wantto go back, fearing things will go back to as it was before. Here Arnav wasattentive, caring, generous in spending time with her. Despite him being hereon business, he takes her out for dinner, for shopping. No phone calls to tellher, he is sorry he couldn't join her for dinner. No appointing chauffeur toaccompany her for shopping. He is there for her always. She couldn't have askedfor a better start to their new relationship.

Start! Yes, that's what it is. She appreciates the efforts he is putting tosave their marriage. She is loving this generous, considerate man he is thesedays. But is this change because he fears losing her? Or he fears losing thechallenge she had thrown at him? This question gnaws at her, making her heartsink. She is very much aware that her asking for divorce has made all thechange in him, so she knows where the weight of possibility lies. She is achallenge to him, a challenge he aims to win. Divorce is a failure to him, andhe will do anything to avoid the tag of failure.

She blinked back the hot tears, and sighed. She don't want to beat herself withall these disheartening thoughts. She just wants to be happy. She wants tosavor all the lovely moments. She ran her fingers in his soft hair. She justwants to be loved by the man she loves with all her heart. Was it too much toask?

Taking a deep breath, she put aside all the depressing thoughts andconcentrated on the man in her arms. How she loves him! "Arnav ?" Shecalled, running her hand on his back.

"Hmm?" He shifted little, burying his face in her neck.

Khushi giggle as his stubble tickled her.

Arnav smiled and tickled her some more.

"Arnav!" She laughed, trying to push him off her.

Pulling up, he looked down at her. He remembered a painting of a beautifulmermaid he had seen in an art exhibition. She so strongly resembled her in themoment. Her silky hair poured on the pillow. Her lips stretched into abeautiful smile, giving her an angelic look. Her innocent beauty has alwaysbewitched him, making his heart flip inside his chest.

"What are you staring at?"

Arnav looked in her beautiful eyes, and as if hypnotized by them, leaned downand took her lips in a sweet kiss. "Don't you ever leave me.." hewhispered against her lips.

Khushi just stared in his eyes, breathless, not replying. Instead she liftedher hand to run her fingers in his messy hair, and smiled.

Arnav swallowed the disappointment. But his determination not withering a bit.He will win her over.

"Remember we are going out today?"

Khushi nodded. "I do."

"Be ready, I will pick you by 7.."

Khushi nodded again.

Arnav kissed her forehead and got off the bed.

Khushi gasped. "Arnav, cover yourself!" She picked his trouser lyingnear the bed and threw it at him.

Arnav turned back to look at his wife,who was staring wide eye at his nakedness."You are the shy one, you cover yourself.." his eyes moved down toher chest. The sheet was resting on her waist now, baring her breast to hiseyes. He looked back in her eyes again and smirked.

Khushi gasped again and pulled the sheet to cover her breast."Shameless!"

Arnav chuckled and walked inside the bathroom.

Khushi ran a hand over her black evening gown, and smiled at her reflection.She had loved this black lace gown when she had gone shopping with her husbandyesterday. And so had her husband. She has applied minimal make-up and left herhair open. She looked good. Smiling, she looked at the clock. Quarter to six.He will be here any minute. Picking up her clutch, she exited the bedroom andsat on the couch in the hall, waiting for her husband.

She opened the clutch and removed the report she had got three months back. Shedon't want to hold back this news from her husband anymore. She remember in themorning how he had asked her to not leave her. He wanted a promise from her.The look of disappointment in his eyes had pierced her heart. But how can shepromise him that when she don't know what she actually means to him? Shedidn't wanted to tell him about the baby till she knows what's her place in hislife. But no matter what's the reason, the man is making efforts, efforts whichare making her happy, making her feel alive after so many months. She haddecided now the reason doesn't matters, what matters is what he makes her feel.And he makes are feel special, cherished, warm with the hope of beautifulfuture. He deserves to know about her pregnancy. She can't keep this from himanymore. And so she had decided tonight she is going to tell him.

The door bell rang and her head jerked towards the door. Smiling, she ran towardsthe door and opened it. Disappointment greeted her.

"Ma'am" The driver said. " Sir apologized. for not being here topick you. He asked me to pick you and drive you to the restaurant. He will joinyou as soon as the meeting is over"

Khushi forced a smile at him. He is just little late, he will be with you soon.She said to herself, not wanting any disheartening thought to ruin her specialevening. She closed the door of her room, and followed the driver.

Khushi looked at the huge clock wall hanging in the restaurant, and her bodyvisibly shook with anger. From the past 2 hours, her heart and mind weredesperately finding reasons to excuse his this action. But no reason will beenough to abandon a wife in a city she knows nothing about. He has done itagain. The beautiful dream was finally over. Supporting herself with the table,she stood on her two shaky legs.

The chilly night wind hit her skin like sharp needles, but she continuedwalking, not caring where her legs carried her. Time and again, he had shownher her place in his life, but like a bloody idiot, she had hung on some or theother hope. What was she hoping for? That he will start seeing how much sheloves him? How much his ignorance towards her feelings hurt her? That she willmean anything to him ever? A scream reached her throat and died there. Whatevershe had hoped, the look of people staring at her, a poor lonely lady waitingfor her date, in the restaurant, had shown her the truth. Today thoselooks of people had made her realize what a miserable and desperate person shewas. Hoping, hoping, and hoping every day that one day the man she loves willreciprocate her love.

A sharp pain stabbed her heart, making her stop and gulp some air. What a sorryexcuse for a woman she was. Waiting for a man to one day realize her worth, herlove. And that man is busy giving more importance to his business, hisdeals, his meetings than her.

She blinked back the tears, too tired of crying now. Everything inside her  has diedtoday. Every hope, every dream has been brutally crushed by her husband. Shehad given a second chance to their relationship, and he had stomped on itmercilessly. In a span of two hours all hopes had died, and so had her oldself. She don't know why it hurt so much today when this wasn't the first timehe had let her down. But it did, finishing everything between them.

That was the last thought on her mind before darkness consumed her, and shecollapsed

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